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Setter_sws t1_ja9z7fv wrote

Hey go to Jordan valley they will take care of you.


ihaveananecdote4u t1_jaduva2 wrote

They offer a sliding fee scale for people without insurance, FYI. Ask if you can see a care coordinator while you’re there!


Same-You-6523 t1_jabf6p7 wrote

Seriously though Jordan valley does sliding scale


SeaboltFamilyFarm t1_jaamq8u wrote

Have a friend with a special needs son who needs 2 teeth pulled and will undergo anesthesia and kid you not they have him paying 12,000$ cash to do the surgery so I feel your pain! I hope you find something reasonable and they do a good job


Same-You-6523 t1_jabf4mj wrote

It's gonna cost an arm and 2 legs and probably a tooth or two to boot. Sorry for ya.


Christmasqueen19 OP t1_jacwp2x wrote

Well if I can’t find a reasonable one I hate to say it but we won’t be able to have any teeth worked on, just don’t have the funds to do it, it’s horrible that unless you’re rich your teeth have to rot!


Same-You-6523 t1_jad50eh wrote

It's not right at all, same as so many things these days. I was a dental assistant for 19 years before forced retirement in 2018 and any dental work I needed done was done from the goodwill and charity of the dentist I worked for because back then they didn't pay enough to afford their own services and they didn't usually offer dental insurance because why would they, right?! Smh the older I get the more I understand wild wilderness hermits! Good luck with your girls teeth. ♥️


Zealousideal-Rock-34 t1_jacwjcv wrote

Jordan valley is crazy expensive just like everywhere else they charged me 300 bucks to pull a tooth and they still want me to pay them another 50 bucks even though they said I was done paying the last time that I gave them money.