Submitted by the_honeyman t3_11euu3t in springfieldMO

Earlier tonight at the SPS board meeting, they were able to remove Dr. Maryam Mohammadkhani as VP of the board due to her actions interrupting the student event a week ago.

Shurita Thomas-Tate and Judy Brunner are up for re-election in April. If more of J Michael Hasty and Steve Makoski's compatriots take their spots, disciplinary action such as this will no longer be possible, and the board will be controlled by Mohammadkhani and her ilk, who aren't burdened with pesky things like the desire to educate or protect students from bullying and discrimination.



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OTwhattheF t1_jag9ihv wrote

It took me way too long to learn/realize that local elections in general are far more important than the big national ones in many ways (not all, obviously).


malevolentk t1_jagcatf wrote

This election is SO SO important

I know Shurita’s campaign is doing phone banking on Saturday - just reach out to her campaign


elaborate_hoxha t1_jaj1d8x wrote

Shurita is awesome, more than qualified and is already a great school board member. Volunteer and/for her if you can!


Cold417 t1_jahcsxx wrote

They're removing everyone so they can install their shills.


the_honeyman OP t1_jahxxyg wrote

Yea, I saw that. But I'm not worried about Shurita being removed, J Michael Hasty, of all people, complaining about ethics violations? Hilarious.

Also, he posted the allegations and "evidence" to his Queen City Watchdog group. She voted on some things instead of recusing herself, seems to be the extent of her involvement, and he's only started on her because she didn't put her hand over her heart during the pledge like a month ago.



elaborate_hoxha t1_jaj0xzc wrote

Interesting that he’s concerned over “ethics” when he harasses, intimidates and threatens anyone who disagrees with him or for just existing. Dude needs to get a life.


[deleted] t1_jahfebq wrote

So what exactly did she do?

The article I read on it was so vague it made it sound like she offhandedly challenged a claim about how many hands were up while students were doing some kind of racial trauma reflection.

Was she defiant and abrasive? Was she making an offhand comment correcting a false statement?


dhrisc t1_jahj1r5 wrote

The speaker was using a rhetorical technique to engage the audience, she interrupted the presentation to make petty comments in response. Everyone knows rhetorical questions and devices are just set ups to make a point, everyone in attendance knew the point the presenter was trying to make, and she chose to disrupt the presentation by being purposefully obtuse and difficult about it. It was all in bad faith and all triggered by her hatred of the sort of topics being discussed at the event. It is disrespectful micromanaging to the fullest extent for a board member to show up to something like this and act this way. Boards should guide and advise diatricts not show up to functions and derail them with petty grievances.


realtalkyo91 t1_jal53hu wrote

Agreed that it was probably done in bad faith with preconceived notions about the event and it’s content. But, the speaker should be held to account for actions like this. It seems pretty inexcusable to me. I can’t find any reason someone (specifically a parent) would think that’s acceptable coming from a position of authority.


MachoRandyManSavage_ t1_jahkmiy wrote

She went into a seminar on racial trauma that was doing an exercise where students closed their eyes and raised their hand "if they have ever been oppressed". It's important to note they were only encouraged to do this if they felt comfortable doing so.

After the activity, the speaker mentioned that many of the students had shown they had been affected by this. Dr. M, standing in the back, interrupted and said "I only counted 10!" And then stormed out.

Source: this is a primary source account.


22TopShelf22 t1_jaijbfc wrote

Watch out, the mob will block you for interrupting their group think.


the_honeyman OP t1_jaiup1n wrote

>"Anybody who has a different opinion than me is incapable of independent thought."


[deleted] t1_jaizp0k wrote

It was a genuine question. If it was done with the intention to disrupt and to take away from this ceremony, then that is inappropriate and we don't need someone so emotional in charge. She may think these kinds of events are silly or even harmful, but the event was not the appropriate forum for that discussion.

And for the record, I don't think these events are useful for anything other than turning people into professional victims who think the only real problems are to do with meaningless identity horseshit. It's like you have to have some kind of trendy victimhood to be allowed to feel shitty about your life or something, so there is that too.


22TopShelf22 t1_jahjxtg wrote

The posters here absolutely hate facts. Be mindful of this.


cock_a_doodle_dont t1_jagb6th wrote

How can we organize?


the_honeyman OP t1_jagbwye wrote

Contact either of their campaigns and pick up door-knocking packets. They're campaigning together, so just pick one.


CaptainCimmeria t1_jahad1b wrote

I'm registered in the county, so I don't believe I'm eligible to vote in this particular election. What can I and others due to help in this situation?


WandererDynamic t1_jahqjr2 wrote

I would double check if I were you. I don’t live in city limits, just county BUT we are still in the Springfield School district. So I can’t vote in other city elections but I can for school board.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_jaiul2j wrote

I attended a forum today for the candidates and it wasn’t mentioned as long as you live in the SPS District then you are eligible. It doesn’t matter if you live in or out. I personally live outside city limits.


MesomeOfficial t1_jao4l5i wrote

Mrs Brunner was my principal in middle school. Can't believe she's still around!