Submitted by Ichhattekrebs t3_1277jh5 in springfieldMO

Hope I don't bother you, but I am German and have heard of this case ten years ago. Since then I have time and time again done research about the case or looked for updates. It is do disturbing. Sometimes it frightens me that I get quite scared at night. I am also part of a Facebook group.

So, does anybody here have any interesting local gossip or rumors? I also have my own! I also don't understand why Netflix hasn't done anything about it.

Any gay Springfield Three followers here?



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miss_stoner t1_jed0fob wrote

As a local I’d like Netflix to stay away from this case. Based on their recent BS, it’s clear their intentions with true crime content is to make a profit, not help the victims. I’d hate to see the media vultures praying on Janice McCall again. She’s been through enough


Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jedjyh0 wrote

I know he isnt doing any more movies or tv shows, but I think David Lynch could di it justice. Twin Peaks came out some years before and originally he didn't want the murder of Laura Palmer to be solved, so this case provides this element, but also the disturbing quality David Lynch movies are known for.


joy_pop t1_jefuzul wrote

Wow... if there were a David Lynch movie made about this town.. well I just dunno what I'd do. I'd be as giddy as a fish in a percolator 😂💖


Aarononeal t1_jed00cf wrote

We are interested, but you won’t get any more gossip out of locals than the podcasts cover. “I heard they’re buried in the parking garage cement of the hospital” is the best you’ll probably get. But I’ll let others speak for themselves.


SWMO19 t1_jedb63t wrote

Randy Little of PFI fame was involved….”allegedly”….. I have some pretty damning proof…allegedly


indicaclouds420 t1_jedkwyc wrote

Under the PFI building is my #1, Cox Parking garage #2, Cover-up of mini van found in a middle of the field with their DNA #3


dwimber t1_jeg1syn wrote

Sitting in the mercy cafeteria one day, one of the guys at my table said, "get, that guy over there is Randy Little." I loudly asked, "you mean the one that killed those 3 ladies?!?".

I don't know if he heard me, but the guys at my table looked pissed at me.


Ricks_Cafe t1_jeesd0z wrote

I’d be curious to hear what you know. I know that building is haunted


420shaken t1_jef1mwq wrote

Problem with the parking garage thought is that, it's only 17 years diff b/w their disappearance and their construction completion. Now the garage over at MSU, by Juanita K. has a closer possible fit as it was completed in fall of 1995. Garages don't take that long to make so unlikely as well.


Wrinklestiltskin t1_jed4tzx wrote

u/ichhattekrebs, if you want to go down a horrifying morbid rabbit hole, you should look into Cassidy Rainwater. Not only what happened to her, but her mother was also a missing person in 2007, and her remains were found scattered in a field. The whole situation is so freaky and tragic.

Here's an article. The details of what they did to her are disturbing, just be warned.

Here's an article with some info on her mother.

It's not the Springfield 3, but it's a more recent and extreme case. Worth checking out if you find that stuff intriguing.


Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jedjehs wrote

I have heard about her case and also of Angela from Clinton/Missouri. That one was also tragic.


GirlieGirlRacing t1_jedtga9 wrote

There’s also the case of Ashley Onescu, who’s remains were found by mushroom hunters in Fordland. That was my children’s babysitter.


TummyDrums t1_jef0c69 wrote

That one freaked me out. I thought for sure it'd be bigger news when all the cannibal stuff came out, but it kind of just faded out pretty quickly it seemed like. Of course there was speculation these could be the guys responsible for the Springfield 3 murders, but it was just that, speculation.


Maxwyfe t1_jefuhlc wrote

They put a lock down on the Cannibal Killer news and probably won't allow press at the trial but I understand the evidence, what little I have heard about it, turned even the sturdiest stomachs. If it goes to trial it will be real horror movie type stuff.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_jed1rq2 wrote

I think someone the mom knew (previous boyfriend) had meant to take the mom and the girls just happend to be there.

I have no evidence just a rumor.

I am a woman and I have lived here my entire life. The only fear sparked by the case is that something similar can happen to anyone anywhere. Also important to note, I think a few people know/knew what happened but didn't not speak up.

If you are interested in true crime look up the killing of Ken Rex McElroy in Skidmore, Missouri. He was killed in broad daylight in a small town. No one saw what happened.


ollollieoliver t1_jedchd2 wrote

Ken Rex Mcelroy Sr. is my grandfather. Lots of interesting details, books, films, documentaries about this case for sure


FedexJames t1_jed5875 wrote

The podcast Ozark True Crime spent a whole season going over the case


ACKC333 t1_jeeurtx wrote

That’s was pretty good since I wasn’t too familiar with the case


therealdubdub1200 t1_jed8o5e wrote

I used to work for SPD, and I've got my gut feeling about who the perpetrator is, but they'll never prove it. He's still living his life around here. And that's all I can say without getting my butt in trouble.


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_jeeh95e wrote

It was a police officer and spd covered it up. I thought everyone knew this


therealdubdub1200 t1_jeehox8 wrote

Interesting theory


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_jeekz8x wrote

The last person seen at the scene of the crime was a police officer who was dating one of the 3 women. She didn't want to be with him anymore. I can't have you nobody can have you type shit.


Artistic_Theory7697 t1_jed3ioh wrote

I've drove by that house several times through the years. It's in a good neighborhood surrounded by houses and off a busy street(Glenstone). It's crazy that these woman went missing within the middle of a neighborhood without a trace. As a kid I always thought it was outside the city but no, it was near the middle of Springfield.


my_monkeys_fly t1_jedslo5 wrote

My stylist is in the building right next door to it and I never realized it until this year.


417zq8 t1_jeedk6d wrote

what building is it?


my_monkeys_fly t1_jeepoiu wrote

Aristo salon. It used to be the dentist office that was next door during that time period


silentxem t1_jefo3v7 wrote

Yeah, I grew up just down the street from that house. It's a nice neighborhood in a busy area.


SevenLittleCreatures t1_jedb7e8 wrote

Sooo many, but my favorite is this: There's an infamous Rogersville (a small town about 10 miles east from Springfield) man who was caught up in many illegal activities (including supposedly killing two people and feeding them to his hogs) and a lot of people from around Rogersville think he was the one to kill the Springfield Three. His name was Francis Robb, I'm sure you can find some information about some of his illegal activities


[deleted] t1_jeedef0 wrote



[deleted] t1_jeedg38 wrote

This thread is dedicated to the case, check it out


Total-Ad-5982 t1_jeejlsr wrote

About 10 years ago an older woman at the brake table had a theory that the women were buried somewhere in the mark twain national forest and that no one will ever find them. Kinda makes sense to me


Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jeezkky wrote

Was she credible?


Total-Ad-5982 t1_jef6lif wrote

I think it was just her personal opinion But mark twain is huge and a short drive from springfield


lochlainn t1_jef92ni wrote

It's a credible idea all around. It's a huge, densely wooded, low visibility, and low population area, and there's no reason to dig in any random given spot.

There's probably parts of the forest surprisingly close to Springfield that human eyes only see every year or so.


Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jefalz1 wrote

Interesting. We could do random digs around there.


lochlainn t1_jefbngk wrote

You won't find anything of note, you'll take the rest of your life attempting it, and won't get anywhere close to finished.

Digging in Missouri is an exercise to try the patience of a saint, or the desperation of a murderer. I can't imagine the amount of work it would take to bury three bodies, even in the best of Missouri soil.


Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jefbwrz wrote

Mabye there were empty shafts or wells where they put them?


lochlainn t1_jefd284 wrote

We only have lead mining, and none of it is close to Springfield.

And our wells are typically cased 10" steel pipes. Old style wells do exist, but they're rare enough you'd have to know of an abandoned one beforehand. That would be harder to find than just digging a grave.


Maxwyfe t1_jefv1k7 wrote

That forest is huge and very rugged. Easy to hide a body if you can get it in there far enough. And if you can't, some unfortunate hunter finds it eventually.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_jeddjur wrote

Your grandfather? My condolences. To be clear the condolence is for being related to that entity. I can't call him a man.


elaborate_hoxha t1_jeh22sl wrote

I’d heard a third hand account from a coworker a couple years ago that the mother, working at the (now closed) stockyards cafe, had gone out back for a smoke and had witnessed some sort cocaine mule operation involving cows to move the product. Supposedly it was a local western store owner. … and a separate rumor that they’re buried in a certain western store sign foundation.


UhtredaerweII t1_jedh2z7 wrote

The scuttlebutt back in the day was that they were taken by a satanic cult and sacrificed. There were witnesses who confessed to psychologists and it got leaked because stuff like that is enough to break psych/patient confidentiality. Only heard the parking garage thing years later. I heard it was disproved with imaging. I dunno. Pretty cold case.


LilSisterCumGutters t1_jeen298 wrote

I’ve grown up here and to me the tunnels are still one of the most interesting. The rumor I’ve heard is some devil worshiping cult that resides off one of the tributaries of the tunnels


SeriouslyFthis t1_jeg4mii wrote

What tunnels? I’m new here


LilSisterCumGutters t1_jegpk8g wrote

Under Water street down town next to hotel of terror. Which will be demolished soon so if you want to see it now is the time to explore before it’s gone


reidict t1_jeeqs8d wrote

Hi! Don't have much to say about the case but I do watch a lot of true crime shows and I have a lot of other eu friends so I'm used to the time difference if you ever wanna chat or hang out!