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ptparkert t1_je02vmu wrote

I’m all for freedom in your own space, but when sharing public space, we could all be more considerate of others noses and lungs. Too much perfume could trigger some to have an allergic reaction.

Id like to take this opportunity to quote the EPA, when a complaint was made about a farmer contaminating our air with pesticides. “We’ll, it’s like chopping an onion. You smell the onion, but you aren’t eating the onion.”


budtoast t1_je03351 wrote

I am talking about the “smelly” people OP is talking about, not people smoking in public. I agree that smoking in a public place shouldn’t happen for either substance. That’s why I began this with “I agree with your sentiment.”

What I disagree with is labeling anyone who smells like weed “addicts.” Also if you’re judging how people smell, you’re going to find lots of different things to be bothered by. Many people don’t smell great and that’s ok, we do our best.


LeeOblivious OP t1_je0q2a8 wrote

I was mostly referring to those who stink of tobacco so bad I can smell them from around the corner of the aisle in a store. I've never smelled anyone reeking of MJ that badly, but smell tobacco addicts all the time.

Our stupid as fuck city council seems to think that tobacco is ok for public consumption, but other odorous herbs are not. Because we are used to tobacco stench and not MJ's. And while we are at it all the assclowns littering their butts all over the place need to be cracked down on. Something I've not seen from MJ smokers. I'm tired of sweeping my parking lot in the morning and finding a ton of these. Nasty bastards leaving their trash all over.

And it occurred to me that MJ comes in none smoke varieties such as edibles and liquid forms that do not leave a stench. Are our numbskull city council banning those in public as well?


budtoast t1_je21z9m wrote

Haha potentially, honestly I’m nervous for that because they could label it “inappropriate intoxication” while I’m viewing it as “taking the medicine my doctor told me I should try.”

But I don’t think that will happen soon if it does. Weed was just recently legalized recreationally so, I think the wrinkles will take a bit of time to be smoothed out. And medical use is still considered separate from recreational use, so we’ll see how things go. Because I can’t walk well without it, I don’t ever “look” high and I don’t ever act high in public either

Also thank you for clarifying- I didn’t think you judged harshly but I did want to throw my two cents in regarding the perception of addicts.

I actually do my best to make sure my belongings and everything in my house don’t smell after making edibles, because it’s like baking. Now everything in your house smells like weed. Premade edibles are very expensive so I can’t afford those- so my clothes and belongings usually really reek. It’s something I’m a bit self conscious about. I don’t want people to think I’m an addict because I’m trying to have pain relief, basically. It’s really annoying because some people will smell it and make jokes, but I’m actually really paranoid people judge me harshly.

Your complaints make sense. It’s weird that they are ok with tobacco but not MJ. I say keep both of them in designated smoking areas. If you want to smoke in public, go to the place where you can. But I don’t know, I’m not an expert on these things lol.


ptparkert t1_je06h0s wrote

I mostly agree. Not trying to label anyone. I try not to judge a book by the cover, although that’s generally the first thing you see. I deplore bad BO equally to ashtray funk. I’m sure some people are doing their best, but others could put in a little more effort.