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Resident-Log6503 t1_je0t7hi wrote

I definitely agree there is a societal problem that needs fixing but that’s only part of it. Without guns a disturbed person is not able to go and shoot up a school or other public place and now down innocent people - they just can’t. In the 1950s there was not wide access and availability of assault style weapons. Other countries have managed to have strict gun laws and they work. Strict gun laws are not the same as ‘no gun laws’. The right to bear arms is a very dated statement that comes from a time where people had to defend their property for legitimate reasons that no longer exist today. Other countries have managed to have strict gun laws and they work. Strict gun laws are not the same as a ‘no gun law’. The fact that it might be difficult or that people wouldn’t like it is no reason to just throw up our arms and say it can’t be done. I’m sorry but civilians do not need AR-15s… you just don’t. These shootings that are happening in the US are often mass casualty events because of the ease of access to these types of weapons where the attacker does not have to stop and reload.