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ShroomHex t1_jdosq74 wrote

Their head of HR at Rapid Roberts, Stephen Makoski, tried to run for the school board himself but thank fuck he lost. ( EDIT: Apparently he won the race, as stated by another user. I'll leave my comment as it was though, to keep all the context.) I wouldn't be surprised if he's making the company more politically involved, whether it be for the money or political power. The reason I'm glad he lost the race is because he's a religious nut job that also gives a lecture against young people during the Rapid Roberts training class. Imagine what a Christian man who hates kids could do with the power of a school board, now realize that's happening all over the country and even the globe! Christian dominionism is becoming more wide spread in the United States and it's frightening to see. Whether or not the guy in the ad is part of that movement, I do not know. Just figured I would share what knowledge I have on this matter!

(I worked inside the Inventory department for Rapid Roberts for 2 years and worked closely with Steve Makoski, that's my source.)


malevolentk t1_jdoyq6m wrote

He won school board last year and is currently on it unfortunately

He’s a fucking tool


ShroomHex t1_jdoz0uk wrote

I did not know he won. I must've read the results from another poll. Well that's terrible to hear...


Astralczar t1_je2ylzz wrote

I worked for Rapid Robert's for like three weeks. Not inventory but behind the counter. That training class is fucking mind numbing. I was ready to give myself a TBI on that table just to spice up my day a bit.

No visible tattoos. No piercings. You will wear the company outfit exactly right or get sent home. If you lose the uniforms, it costs you like $300 for a new set. Hiring manager said he took one look at me and knew I would be a good fit. Then rambled about the art and science of convenience store work for half an hour. Who else was a good fit? Bunch of other white dudes.

They were so understaffed that homeless people would offer to clean and do trash duty for expired food and they fucking rolled with it.

I opened the company handbook and it says "Welcome to the most progressive c-store franchise in the Midwest."