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sullivan80 t1_jbb1aov wrote

I'd love to pay $100 for fast reliable service. I currently pay $80 for 40mb service that frequently drops out or gets congested to the point it's impossible to stream. Or when we do stream the quality constantly downshifts to blurry circa 2003 mode.

But back to your topic some ISPs are known to charge different rates in different areas for the same service.


the_honeyman t1_jbb2n2y wrote

Plus, early adopters always get better rates. The first adopters pay for the rest of the plant to get built, then the rest of the customers are profit.

Not defending the process, but that's how it works.


VaderTower t1_jbmjda8 wrote

I think most of us wanted to be early adopters but it's taken years to build out. We're what 2-3 years down the road and half the city still doesn't have it?

I would've loved to get this at $65/mo 2 years ago, but here I am still waiting and now I'll get the honor of paying $100/mo?



the_honeyman t1_jbmkmlk wrote

Again, I'm not defending the process, but that's how it works, unfortunately. Taking years to build out a city's worth of fiber optics is a completely reasonable timeline.