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Professional_Fox4467 t1_jbct37e wrote

And what is your profession/area of expertise?


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbctcn1 wrote

Literally unimportant when I can look outside and constantly see them doing nothing. Hell I wasn't even able to park at my own home for weeks because of them.


ActionFalcon t1_jbf87sv wrote

That's a lot of words just to say you don't know shit.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfa8r1 wrote

They are three months behind schedule. I'm confident they aren't doing the work


Objective-Entry1664 t1_jbe2485 wrote

Well they have time to watch people with real jobs all day so prolly unemployed…


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfa50j wrote

You guys would lose your minds if I posted another picture if them standing around every day.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbctmrq wrote

I don't need to be in anything to be able to spot bullshit. Construction is one of the most corrupt and wasteful industries ever.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbfawif wrote

You sound like a moron who has no idea how construction works. Do you really have nothing better to do?


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfbz4p wrote

Honestly how upset you keyboard warriors are is hilarious. I will keep going. I know public utilities is wasting millions and months behind schedule. That's facts my road being closed for 9 months I'm allowed to be annoyed with. All the uneducated and lower class being upset at this is super funny.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbfer0r wrote

So you are a shitty troll, got it. How sad for you.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfk96e wrote

Not a troll. I have just come to the realization that the people on this subreddit. Do not care that public utilities is months behind schedule burning tax money. I also present a genuine picture of 8 people standing around doing nothing. Then they defend the fact no works being done. Clearly they aren't smart enough to think about this critically. So why try and explain it.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbfkxe6 wrote

Because you clearly don’t understand how construction works, and when called in your ignorance you fall back on ad honemheims. If you revel in being ignorant you are acting like an attention seeking troll.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfln01 wrote

I understand being three months behind schedule means you're slow. It's not up in the air I work in operations. If you're scheduled to be done March 1st and get extended until August. You're slow I can attest to daily seeing them doing nothing. Which if they are way behind schedule and I see them doing nothing daily then I'm not ignorant. I can literally see how it's failing.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbflwhe wrote

You still don’t understand why a construction worker would be on call even though you have already gotten a good explanation (which even only touches on some reasons why they would have to wait, like waiting on permits). Until you know enough to even be able to tell the difference in work/not work, you don’t have a leg to stand on.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfq5fa wrote

I'm pretty sure when one guy is in the hole digging and 8 guys are watching him. They aren't working. Last week I saw 5 of them dispatched to do something in a man hole. So there was 3 trucks with 4 guys watching the one guy in the manhole.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbfr2mm wrote

You’ve just proved my point, again.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfrg9u wrote

Then I guess I will never understand paying way to many people than is needed and the job be months behind schedule.