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Separate_Parfait3084 t1_jbht5ij wrote

There's so much awful history at that school. Went there for 2.5 years. The buildings look awful because the leaders believed that the rapture would happen before 2000 so the buildings weren't designed to last much longer.

There was an enormous falling out in 2001 that gutted a huge % of the student population that it just never really recovered.

So many stories...


dividendDog t1_jbj5rhv wrote

Care to share some?


Separate_Parfait3084 t1_jbj9oze wrote

My favorite was Noel Smith, whom they named a dorm after, was a travelling preacher. He'd pack up his donkey and bring the word of the Lord to the masses. And apparently he didn't believe black people had a soul...

Jerry Falwell was a graduate and also (at the time) the only person censured.

The fallout moment was when they fired a beloved professor for the actions of some students at his church. They had a Christian rave. My wife went, she said it was super lame. That led to the freshman class (my class) having a 66% dropout rate.

One of the instructors was giving a message during chapel (3 days a week at like 9am). Can't remember the message exactly but he tried using interracial couples as an example of something that isn't commonly accepted. Oddly a friend on my floor was in an interracial relationship, he didn't take it well.

There's more, but the key to remember is that Christians are people too and people aren't perfect. The last one was a poorly presented example not a damning of the relationship. Now, he may have felt that way but that wasn't the message. Met my wife there, some of my best friends, and also some of the shittiest people. For every bad story I've got more funny ones that shows it as a college with students doing college things. Sure it's "indoctrination" but what do you expect going to a Bible college? I actually didn't do well because I challenged the beliefs using some of the critical thinking tools THEY gave me.


bellsouth_kmart t1_jbj7fnb wrote

And thats how they treat the earth too, because they think "i am not of this world " ect ect ..... Me and brothers and sisters decided this when we where younger and got off that flaming train of Christianity.