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SeriesRandomNumbers t1_jbh9urw wrote

If it’s such a obvious simple solution please tell me where you would have it go and both primary and secondary stops.

I’ve lived places with great public transit and would love to have it here, but the layout around here doesn’t make a good argument for it. I should also add that I would happily pay more tax to make it happen. Public transit always looks easy from the outside and the bus system here isn’t really that bad, not great but alright.


xCaptx t1_jbhabt8 wrote

For real. There are a million reasons a metro is not a cost-effective mass transit for Springfield. I wish we had a metro or hell even if the OLD trolley system was never removed.


ar9750 t1_jblbv97 wrote

> the bus system here isn’t really that bad

What's the bar for "bad"? My 10+ mile commute was faster by bicycle than by bus, and I was avoiding roads above 30mph.


VaderTower t1_jbmhh25 wrote

Hard comparison, I could ride my bike 4 miles at an old job in 20 minutes, or I could drive myself there and it take 15 minutes.

Riding a bike if you live and work in Springfield, is actually really efficient.


Dakkendoofer t1_jbha2l8 wrote

I feel like long stretches along battlefield, sunshine, kansas exp, Glenstone, and National would be a great start. Those are the first roads I think of that have awful traffic at basically all hours


SeriesRandomNumbers t1_jbhbwsi wrote

But then where would that go? Where are people going? If you have it along one long street say Sunshine are you willing to build a huge park-n-ride next to the Sam’s Club and close at least one lane along all of Sunshine so that someone from Nixa can drive up, park, and then pay cash to get the last couple miles to Bass much would you pay for that ride?

Everybody wants to get to their work which is why good public transit goes from population center to work center and back. A light rail from Nixa to the medical mile to MSU/downtown to government plaza might work alright, but if you’re not interested in any of those places you still need to jump on the bus or your bike. In Springfield I usually choose my bike as Ozarks Greenways has made this place one of the better bike commuting places I’ve lived.


VaderTower t1_jbmi375 wrote

Best comment here by far, and actually opened my eyes a bit. In my opinion you're probably right, only viable option I can think of is a Nixa to Springfield pipeline. Major stops at Cox, Mercy, MSU.


the_honeyman t1_jblevgb wrote

You had me, up until the point where you said our public transit system isn't really that bad. It's awful. When riding a bus takes 45 minutes to go from National and Division to National and Sunshine, there is absolutely no way to stretch that into "its not that bad."

Let alone the fact they don't run at night, and certain stops are only active at certain times.


Doubleucommadj t1_jbhqlzz wrote

I feel like y'all have the right thing in mind, but aren't thinking about a flexible system. If a tram were functioning in a predictable pattern, folk could get to stations in order to move 20 mins down the street. Just because the current locations for transit don't make sense, due to folks in charge, that's not a reason to completely deny public transit.


Necessary-One-3713 OP t1_jbjoi4o wrote

Depends if you’d prefer it above or under ground…..there also could be a simple streetcar system too