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indiefab t1_jbkyhrx wrote

They’re taking nominations for the team name. I vote for The Cashew Crushers.


GSPilot t1_jbl24gd wrote

“Awarded” makes it sound free, lol.


snorlaxatives_69 t1_jbl3nck wrote

LETS GOOOOO!!!! Would love to somehow be interested in coming up with mascot/name/colors


pdoxr9 t1_jbl6t53 wrote

I’m moving to Springfield soon. This brings me so much joy


TurtleSoup58 t1_jbl7opu wrote

Cannot wait for the Missouri Meth Munchers to take the field


smokeshow91 t1_jbl8mds wrote

Queen City Cobras or Springfield 66ers. Utilize the color scheme of the new city flag.


jjmcgil t1_jblbtku wrote

Everyone vote Cobras please! It's a great name, a cool mascot, and a fun bit of history.


jaydub1001 t1_jbld77u wrote

Awarded has several connotations. One can be awarded a contract if there are several bidders, for example. They weren't given something for free if it's earned. Medals given to servicemembers are awards and none are given for free.


GSPilot t1_jbliq2j wrote

There always seems to be a lot of socializing of the costs and privatizing of the profits when sports facilities get built.

I’m sure this one will be different, though…

Hopefully it’s a net gain for the area.


nickcash t1_jbp5t0x wrote

In 1953 a dude got mad about his pet fish dying, and released a crate of cobras into the town. As one does. The entire town then proceeded to lose their shit and organize armed cobra hunting parties. And because it was the 50s and everyone was old-timey racist, they also hired an Indian snake charmer to drive around playing snake charming music.

Anyway they ended up beating all the cobras to death with garden hoes.

This sounds made up but I promise you it's entirely true.