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AphexFan074 t1_jdmxhii wrote

Reply to comment by 22TopShelf22 in Help a friend ? by Amconmichael

I don't even know why we need this breed of Redditor. They make up like 2% of the human population and are responsible for the majority of downvotes.


22TopShelf22 t1_jdnir8s wrote

Says the white trash owner of 5 pit bulls that have never been to the vet. Said owner describes them as "gentile."


AphexFan074 t1_jdns3q7 wrote

No, I am a cat person personally. Just exposing narrow minded gentrification mindstates in my hometown. Nobody "needs this breed"? Sounds like a privileged position. And I would never assume my pets religious choices.


AphexFan074 t1_jdnslri wrote

I understand there are vicious dogs. I understand that they are descended from wolves larger than some jungle cats. Wolves are vicious. I understand the typical pet owner has zero respect for nature and is dumb as all hell. My regards to OP.


[deleted] t1_jdnkaoi wrote



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