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gaeyez t1_jcfp8vh wrote

So, would you argue for a parent who is homeschooling to be able to opt out of the property taxes that go directly to the school district in which they live? What about people who will have no children? They pay a tax for no benefit, in your calculation.


LeeOblivious t1_jcgmzrj wrote

Taxes for school districts are not use taxes, rather they are public service taxes just like road, sales, and income taxes. While YOUR children (if any) may not be using the service, you as a member of the public ARE using said service. As YOU directly benefit from having public schools. We had this debate over a century ago when we first set up the mandatory public school system...


Suitable_Magician515 t1_jcg87sx wrote

Great point. I don’t think opting out of property taxes is the answer. In this scenario, people that don’t have kids aren’t really part of the equation because they don’t have a dog in the fight. Here, property tax payers pay for a service to be provided to their children.. but aren’t able to because they disagree with other aspects of the education system. I guess I can put it this way.. you want a pizza.. but the only type being served is a supreme pizza. You hate mushrooms… why can’t you order it without mushrooms. BTW, I don’t have an answer.. I’m just curious what the logical counter arguments are. 👍