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Shoddy_Load_8048 t1_jckhstg wrote

Once they are readily available you should find fresh for sale at the farmers market. It’s a bit early in the season to be finding them around here just yet. Needs to warm up some. You can find them dried at the grocery stores.


Jimithyashford t1_jckrahw wrote

Not yet. Give it about 3-4 weeks and they’ll start bringing in decent harvests.


the_p0ssum t1_jcllaog wrote

Here's a Sightings Map. There have been a few pop up in MO, but ideal conditions won't arrive for a few more weeks.


nobile t1_jckcgdh wrote

I sometimes see little baggies of dried morel mushrooms on sale at HyVee, but not all the time... I've never seen fresh morels being sold though... maybe at a farmer's market? No idea, if I were the one picking them I would NOT give them away hahahah no matter how much I'm offered :P


randomname10131013 t1_jcl6t1q wrote

The ground temperature needs to be 50° or above. We're not quite there yet. Especially not with these cold nights we've been having.