Submitted by i-mdirtydan t3_11vjul9 in springfieldMO

I’ve driven past a million times growing up here. Never noticed the Jesus fish on the sign until the other day. Googled the old signage and the fish was there, too??

I can’t be the only one that’s certain it was never there to begin with



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LifeRocks114 t1_jctc7xv wrote

it's part of the logo and even present on the website's logo online (the website logo is still changed for St Patrick's Day), always been that way


i-mdirtydan OP t1_jctcg6x wrote

I am born and raised here and I feel pretty dumb for never noticing. I can’t be the only one and was wondering if there’s others


PalPubPull t1_jctd78s wrote

I used to work there twenty years ago and I don't recall it.

That said I wasn't the most observant teenager


ManlyVanLee t1_jcvhmh0 wrote

I've been an avid hater of religion for my entire life and this is news to me. I've driven past that place a billion times too so you're not alone


DogmaticCat t1_jctk8aq wrote

I had the exact same thought as I passed it last night after work!


spartacus3000444 t1_jctxk6q wrote

Worked there for several years it was on the logo the entire time I was there.


Tox38 t1_jcu2pv4 wrote

The real travesty is their menu packages. The last three are Shake, Roll, and Rattle in that order. The inhumanity.


Jaded-Criticism5334 t1_jctoxig wrote

It hasn't always been that way. I went back through emails and as of May 1, 2021, the fish was not included. I too Google old signage and found plenty of old images showing the Springfield location did not include the fish.


Samjamesjr t1_jcu4rh8 wrote

It is as there twenty years ago when I worked there. Very distinctly remember Rick bringing it up when they were getting ready to expand.


Jaded-Criticism5334 t1_jcu5ah8 wrote

I don't know, I'm just going off of emails I have and older pictures of local signs online where it wasn't there. It may have been in use in some form, but it wasn't included on everything and I could see why people would miss it if that's the case.

Editing to say that after someone pointed it out, it was there, but was more hidden and not as obvious as it is now.


nbmft13 t1_jcy22x2 wrote

They may also have decided to use a simplified logo on emails as opposed to the full logo on the sign.


yaxgto t1_jcuiy41 wrote

Google maps give old dates too. It used to be a different sign with the fish vertical and not obvious at the bottom of the design. The signs changed and now it's a super obvious thing.


mhoeriah t1_jcunbbn wrote

I went there at least 12 years ago and it was on the doors. I know for certain because my dad commented on it every time we went 🙄 Maybe it’s just on select signs/places/logos.


name-isnt-important t1_jcth9xn wrote



[deleted] t1_jctx5dk wrote



AbjectAttrition t1_jcu0e0t wrote

Nobody in this thread is being hateful towards Christianity, you just have a persecution fetish.


Gobblewicket t1_jctxz6a wrote

Except this has been a hate free discussion. Someone just noticed something for the first time and is asking if anyone else remembers if it was or wasn't there in the before times.


stone500 t1_jcu4j5c wrote

Can you show me anywhere in this thread where people are hating on Christians? Or are you insistent on being a victim for some reason?


bobone77 t1_jcu1wa5 wrote

*lose, not loose.


covfefe_cove t1_jcuz14t wrote

You are fighting a loosing losing battle.

Or maybe not, they listened and edited their comment.


yaxgto t1_jcukdqh wrote

It's as if both sides do it though. If I had a restaurant you passed with my satanic symbols do you think the Christian community would just be all well and good with it? You complain that others have a problem with ideology that isn't theirs. Isn't that what is expected of religious populations when someone has an opposing ideology. That's been my experience.

I think that everyone can have their own opinions, they can share those opinions, but when you do you should be ready for others to disagree. Just because you don't understand doesn't make it wrong.

And yes, if I have the choice I don't contribute my money to those who flaunt their religions within their business because why do I need a Jesus fish with pizza? Fish does not belong on pizza.