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inadril t1_je2rsk5 wrote

Okay. I’m going to ignore everything I just read.

Your entire premise is flawed.

So let’s get to the heart of it, shall we?

“I see you don’t pay attention to those who disagree with you”.

“attention noun 1 the issue clearly needs further attention: OBSERVATION, attentiveness, intentness, notice, concentration, heed, heedfulness, mindfulness, regard, scrutiny; contemplation, consideration, deliberation, thought, thinking, studying, investigation, action.”

”pay attention an assortment of motivational tools is necessary to keep them in class and paying attention: LISTEN, be attentive, attend, concentrate on, concentrate on hearing, give ear to, lend an ear to; hang on someone's words.”

disagree verb 1 no one was willing to disagree with him: FAIL TO AGREE, be in dispute/contention, be at variance/odds, not see eye to eye, differ from, dissent from, diverge from; contradict, gainsay, challenge, oppose; argue, debate, quarrel, bicker, wrangle, squabble, spar, dispute, take issue, row, altercate, clash, be at loggerheads, cross swords, lock horns; informal fall out, have words, scrap; archaic disaccord. ANTONYMS agree”

Nowhere did I reference a specific party, save “you” and “those who disagree”.

To whom, then, could “attention” and “disagree” possibly be referring when the two participants disagreed?

As to the rest of the comment, “Enjoy your bliss” is a direct reference to “Ignorance is bliss”.

ignorance noun 1 his ignorance of economics: INCOMPREHENSION, unawareness, unconsciousness, inexperience, innocence; unfamiliarity with, lack of enlightenment about, lack of knowledge about, lack of information about; informal cluelessness; literary nescience. ANTONYMS knowledge, education

2 their attitudes are based on ignorance and fear: LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, lack of education; unenlightenment, benightedness; lack of intelligence, unintelligence, stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, denseness, brainlessness, mindlessness, slow-wittedness; informal thickness, dimness, dumbness, dopiness, doziness. ANTONYMS knowledge, education”

Personally, I prefer the short definition given by a friend from Australia. “It’s an insult meaning ‘unknowledgeable and too lazy or unwilling to study or learn anything’”. Unfortunately it doesn’t apply here.

Oh, I picked a special one too. Taylor made for you.

Debate noun I would welcome a debate on the reforms I there is renewed debate about NATO's defense role: DISCUSSION, exchange of views, discourse, parley; argument, dispute, wrangle, altercation, war of words; arguing, argumentation, wrangling, sparring, disputation, dissension, disagreement, controversy, contention, conflict, disharmony; negotiations, talks; dialogue, comment, interest; informal confabrap session; rare velitation, contestation.

verb 1 the board debated his proposal: DISCUSS, confer about, talk over, talk through, talk about, exchange views on, exchange views about, thrash out, argue, argue about, argue the pros and cons of, dispute, wrangle over, bandy words concerning, contend over, contest, controvert, moot; informal kick around, bat around; archaic altercate.”

Shall I define every word of both original replies or are you done misrepresent them?


budtoast t1_je2sr9g wrote

Whatever you say. You refuse to tackle any actual points. This is a waste of time.


inadril t1_je2tj0e wrote

No, I refuse continue to address your ever increasing pile of irrelevant points based on misrepresentation of what I said.

Because I’d be writing a book on your previous comment alone.


budtoast t1_je2tpos wrote

I addressed what you said. You just spent forever defining words. Move on.

This was a waste of time and you made it that. I wanted to be productive here and say my piece and that’s all, which I’ve successfully done I guess. So goodbye. Wish I had actual responses from you.


inadril t1_je2w0wi wrote

You addressed your own misrepresentation of what I said.

It was going to be a waste of time from the beginning and I indulged you because I didn’t understand how you could possibly conclude anything other than the plain, simple english originally put forth.

Defining words was apparently necessary.


budtoast t1_je2w5rz wrote

No, it really wasn’t. You didn’t address the actual arguments because you don’t have one. Bye.

Make one or stop replying


inadril t1_je2zeu1 wrote

It really was.

And then you argued with yourself so much there wasn’t really much for me to do. I will admit it was impressive how many straw men you could defeat simultaneously.

I’ll take that last to mean you want that book.