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You_Ate_The_Bones t1_jd2hkb4 wrote

The no more than 3 unrelated is broken by tenants and developers. There are a number of builders who have built 4 bedroom units along Cherry Street, just a few blocks from MSU campus. The single-family neighborhood has a neighborhood organization and they spoke out against this development, fearing that college housing was going to take over swaths of their neighborhood. They literally used this law, stating the city can’t be allowing developers to build units with more than 3 bedrooms. The city council still green-lit the developers and the 4 unit developments have been open now for 5 years without any city code violations presented to the property owners or the tenants. The law is unenforced and will likely be removed or amended.


spewdy t1_jd3anzw wrote

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. God forbid that young people have access to affordable housing, or even just low income individuals, for that matter.


Low_Tourist t1_jd3j00n wrote

I wonder if they're getting around that by doing the "rent a bedroom, shared common space" thing?

Of course, the city cares fuck all what the citizenry actually wants.