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armenia4ever t1_jddy3r0 wrote

"Right wingers" tend to have more kids overall and don't usually abort them , so of course they have interest in the school board and what's actually taught.

City council is much more nuanced, but when you create an enemy and keep attacking them, you also prompt them to get their shit together and organize - so congrats.

The "left wing" groups here fight each other alot. If you aren't 100% on board, you're an enemy now. If you support LGBTQ, but don't think your kids should be given hormone blockers and "gender affirming care", you're out.

Diversity of thought isn't apparently allowed.This is why you lose.


pussy_marxist t1_jde01e4 wrote

Found the right winger


armenia4ever t1_jde27sa wrote

I prefer working class semi-marxist sympathizer who aligns alot with r/stupidpol


pussy_marxist t1_jde2c6n wrote

Nazbols. You prefer nazbols.


armenia4ever t1_jde31ws wrote

I prefer not to make intersectionality and systematic structural oppression via identity their own gods that i must worship and consistently repent for my sins "privilege" and do "penance" allyship as confession. That's a religion thats just too far of a stretch for me.


pussy_marxist t1_jdeavyr wrote

The only place where you have to genuflect before an altar of “intersectionality” is in the fevered imaginations of right wing grifters and the minds of a few overeager college freshmen.

Most of us “semi-Marxist” types emphasize class, yes, but we’re also aware that racial and gender-related issues stem from but are not 100% reducible thereto.

I used to go on r/stupidpol. I left when it went from broadly left-wing, good-faith criticism of neoliberal identitarianism to full-on cryptoreaction. If you’re not already a Crayzone-style cryptofascist, I would suggest you follow suit unless you want brainworms.


ProgressMom68 t1_jdipl53 wrote

Who is making you give your kids gender affirming care? The whole point is that it’s a personal decision that the government shouldn’t get involved with. I thought you people were all about that.


RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jdoqhgl wrote

Yo whatssup, I'm a dad. I'm trans. I know trans kids. Trans kids are SIGNIFICANTLY less likely to consider or commit suicide with the healthcare they need. You know, the healthcare that every medically affiliated organization in the nation says saves lives. Which is blockers and HRT.

Also we aren't forcing anyone to give their kids HRT or blockers, dingus.