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StrongPlan3 OP t1_iu9pkg8 wrote

Awesome! I was looking to learn how to dress and quarter a deer mainly because I've never processed a deer before. Give me a filet knife and a fish and I'm golden. This is all foreign territory to me however.

I also have zero of the above mentioned supplied lol


KamelTow73 t1_iu9q0y0 wrote

Just a side note all above mentioned are highly illegal. I just wanted to see if your one of them “ crazy Floridians” we always here about up here. Was going to wait to check that box until I heard about it on the news but…… I just can’t in good Conscience.


KamelTow73 t1_iu9qn74 wrote

I will say tho the Missouri department of conservation is pretty good about what they do. We have tons of public land that you are able to hunt. If you get on the web site and look around the area for conservation areas you can pick one and take a little walk in the woods to find a spot. But I would recommend putting in the research on laws and practices first.

Edit to mention: don’t be that guy taking your walk in the woods during season. Find your areas before hand and make sure you are wearing your hunters orange, public land can be a little sketchy so make your presence known to others in the area


StrongPlan3 OP t1_iu9qcp8 wrote

Lol see I really am out of my element in this arena. I do believe, however, that I am one of the more level headed Floridians but that's my own opinion 😅🤷‍♂️