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StrongPlan3 OP t1_iubc11a wrote

People keep saying how bad this area is and it's kind of absurd to me. I lived in Miami right next to overtown where they film the first 48. When you have gunshots going off to the point of it sounding like the 4th of July every night, live in a neighborhood cops won't go into and wake up to bodies on the street, let me know cause Springfield really isn't shit. Most everyone I've run into or had conversations with here has been unbelievably friendly. I really don't get this whole idea that Springfield is some crime riddled shit hole. There's a drug problem here, yes. Guess what? There's a drug problem everywhere in this country and it's only going to get worse with the economy going where it's going. You have a meth problem here where I came from it was crack and heroin/fentanyl.


XzallionTheRed t1_iucr4h8 wrote

Shush you, the Karens will clutch their street cred pearls and not feel like they can say they grew up in a hood and know what its like to see the rough side of town. lol.

It isn't bad, but has a few bad parts, most crime is drug related, or domestic.


StrongPlan3 OP t1_iucrn3f wrote

Lol it's wild to me. I understand hating you're hometown, where you grew up. I did too but on a serious note, do these people never leave their house for the fear of big bad Springfield?


XzallionTheRed t1_iucs3a4 wrote

Only to go to nice restaurants or out of town to beds and breakfasts and musuems. Something to note, location based reddits attract the same people that apps like nextdoor or other weird ones attract for busybodies to post stupid stuff while being inside to much. The posts that make sense or the rest trying to ignore the crazies. Just take a large amount of these with a huge grain of salt, and remember that its likely someone cooped up in their home to much and imagines the outside is a boogeyman because they are denied it due to health, disability, mental health issues, or just a social shut in and remember that playing the reality card does nothing to them.

Ignoring it is the best bet for your mental health in the long run, and letting professionals deal with the social issues that those issues cause.

Edit: That said, be careful downtown at night, a few months back there was a group beating people with baseball bats near parking garages. I think that settled down and was a weird outlier like the knockout game trend, but its to recent to not be healthily paranoid after dark downtown.


StrongPlan3 OP t1_iucs7t9 wrote

True. I must say though this sub has been wildly helpful since I moved here. Every once in a while though some of these threads turn into an echo chamber evolving around Springfield being a third world warzone lol


XzallionTheRed t1_iucsghh wrote

lol, I've been in Afghanistan, Springfield is paradise comparatively.


StrongPlan3 OP t1_iucskgb wrote

Some of these redditors could definitely use a trip and see, at least something, outside of Springfield.