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Charlotte_the_cat t1_iqx7dyk wrote

Jesus, in broad daylight?!


magius311 OP t1_iqxe8kk wrote

Right?! And despite the headline that's like the "nicer area" of SW Springfield. I tend to assume that anyways. I know Hy-Vee prices are attractive to a higher income populace.


emtrigg013 t1_iqxlwif wrote

Unfortunately the nicer areas don't really apply anymore. Springfield got too big too quickly.


sullivan80 t1_ir0rak3 wrote

Seems like over the last few years crime has exploded and become much more common even in "nice" areas. We have the same problem in Joplin. Not long ago there was some parking lot dispute at a nice shopping center here where I go all the time, cops showed up and one of the dudes shoots all the cops. Had a guy get shot and killed right in front of the movie theater a couple years ago. Seems like I am hearing about a shooting every other week anymore and too often it's some weird altercation in broad daylight in some public place. There has also be an increase in aggressive panhandling and homeless camps popping up in parts of town where this was never very common in the past.

Society is going off the rails.


Warrior_of_Mandalore t1_iqzcq4g wrote

Nothing about that side of town is remotely safe. Southwest Springfield, while "nice" is riddled with open daylight crime, this isn't new to anyone who lives in that region of town.