Submitted by Aggravating_Ad_2243 t3_xvh1b6 in springfieldMO

Hi, first post ever on Reddit. I’ll try to keep this as short as possible but the Lucy’s on South Campbell has a serious problem. The managers are currently harboring and employing a man who has sexually harassed a fellow co-worker, has verbally abused and outright threatened another with physical violence and has numerous complaints filed against him. He also does not cover or turn his head to cough will making the fillings for many of our fried sides which puts everyone who eats here at risk. Management refuses to do anything about him due to him being a close friend of theirs and it has made working there an uncomfortable ordeal. I know not much will come about this but since nothing is being done there I should let everyone here know who is making their food.



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miaret t1_ir0tlgi wrote

At this point, escalating is in order. If this person makes threats of violence, contact the police. If that doesn't help, go to prosecutor's office and file a report.


Proud-Event-4910 t1_ir0ypeg wrote

Report him to the health dept. maybe they will do a surprise inspection that will hopefully cost the owners a bunch of money and force their hand. Good luck


Always_0421 t1_ir0yqz8 wrote

If the allegations are true, contact the police; in the interim sounds like you don't want to work for them anyway; Numerous restaurants are still hiring, go elsewhere.


mrsdex1 t1_ir12hrx wrote

The whole chain is trash.


Novel-Strawberry1823 t1_ir4h35e wrote

Lucy's on Ozark is some of the worst Chinese food I have ever tasted in my life. I laugh when I see their TV ads touting their cashew chicken as the "best in Springfield". What a joke!


realspongeworthy t1_ir16ddt wrote

I used to work at Lucy's. Of course, back then it was a disco behind the Holiday Inn by 44.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_ir1vl3r wrote

Lucy's is garbage food, I'm not surprised to find out it's prepared by garbage people.


CryProfessional6485 t1_ir25609 wrote

Why don't you talk to John or Leslie? I'm sure they'd take care of it but I'll show them this.Maybe it'll help


Original_Run_6116 t1_ir2ma6j wrote

Should have never gotten to this point, but I really do hope it helps and that the reporting employees aren’t retaliated against.


Wendypeffy t1_ir3ntor wrote

What’s the guys name?


GuestExisting4639 t1_ir1oanq wrote

I would just stop eating there if I were you. I personally love the place I go there for the food not the workers


Original_Run_6116 t1_ir2m0di wrote

I think OP is more concerned about the gross behavior being directed at coworkers…


Neenee89 t1_ir3nwqv wrote

You know the food is made by the workers...right?


thatHungarian t1_ir5deq7 wrote

You maybe missed the part when OP said this particular employee freely cough around the kitchen including into your food you are love so much and pay money for.

by all means keep doing you but don't be surprised if one time you catch a nasty bug from there.

In the mean time most of us prefer if our food not contain other people's germs in it..


Luxecunt t1_irgt21o wrote

You pay them when you buy food from them but ok.