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GuestExisting4639 t1_ir1oanq wrote

I would just stop eating there if I were you. I personally love the place I go there for the food not the workers


Original_Run_6116 t1_ir2m0di wrote

I think OP is more concerned about the gross behavior being directed at coworkers…


Neenee89 t1_ir3nwqv wrote

You know the food is made by the workers...right?


thatHungarian t1_ir5deq7 wrote

You maybe missed the part when OP said this particular employee freely cough around the kitchen including into your food you are love so much and pay money for.

by all means keep doing you but don't be surprised if one time you catch a nasty bug from there.

In the mean time most of us prefer if our food not contain other people's germs in it..


Luxecunt t1_irgt21o wrote

You pay them when you buy food from them but ok.