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GeneralTonic t1_ir17gjr wrote

>In 2015, a woman named Kathy Penrod wanted to purchase the home and convert it into a hospitality house, offering low-cost overnight accommodations for people with a loved one in the hospital. >...

>Residents in the neighborhood vehemently opposed Penrod’s idea, and Springfield City Council denied her request for a conditional use permit in 2016.

Boy they sure put a stop to that awful B&B idea before it had a chance to establish a valid use for the building that kept it intact. Good job, Springfield neighborinos!

Never let a good idea get in the way of no idea.


22TopShelf22 t1_ir3f8hy wrote

They made their bed. If the kind lady was allowed to open her operation to help people. This would have never happened. Hard to feel bad for the university heights snobs.


smith_winston_1984 t1_ir1y3m2 wrote

That's our city government for you. And most of them are up for re-election soon. Vote the same get the same. They call him mayor McClueless for a reason.


robzilla71173 t1_ir288ib wrote

I believe Bob Stephens would have been mayor back in 2016 when this happened.


smith_winston_1984 t1_ir2ztta wrote

And he hand picked mayor McClueless, they are one in the same.


robzilla71173 t1_ir3hfu8 wrote

The city council made the decision, not the mayor, who wasn't McClure.

They're a similar demographic and both men wear eyeglasses. But otherwise they're very dissimilar.


VaderTower t1_ir3c9hk wrote

No it was UH residents that put pressure on Council to vote no. Council is pro business, they only reason they would vote business down is because it was THAT unpopular with residents affected.