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Economagicman t1_ir46872 wrote

I am definitely in agreement with putting some blame on the previous sellers.

If you love the neighborhood you have lived in, you should consider the person you sell to. As long as every 2nd house from every corner on the sunshine National to Campbell corridor stays in the hands of a local person for their personal home or as a long term rental, no commercial will ever be allowed in due to the road frontage not being large enough to handle enough entrances and exits.

I am not a fan of Duda, and it makes me sad to see it ripped down but I also agree it is theirs and they can tear down if they want as they own it.

I am hoping if all the homes do get torn down, zoning remains residential and it creates a spectacularly large lot for a new construction that is wonderful to look at. I added up the properties based on Zillow and I think they would have over an acre, which would be an amazing opportunity for a new home build given its location.