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dhrisc t1_ir2aavf wrote

This area is the fastest growing area in the state and has been for a decade or so, specifically ozark and republic are two of if not the fastest growing cities in the state, so it's definitely a thing.


maryclareh t1_ir2ea2r wrote

I’m one of them πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


moon_family t1_ir2hl6e wrote

The population trend for the city is only about 1.7% increase this year. That's down from 1.73% last year and 1.76% the year before. I expect the increased traffic is just because of people no longer working and schooling from home. I work at one of the college campuses around here, and this past month has been the first time our classrooms have been packed since before the pandemic. Just my one workplace alone is responsible for hundreds of additional cars on the road.


22TopShelf22 t1_ir3gmoe wrote

If they're from liberal areas they have ruined, they need to not ruin our great area too.


cdcemm t1_ir3muqd wrote

Worth noting that they changed the start times of SPS schools. Not sure how much of an impact that made, as I’m only able to compare it to the past two years which were impacted by COVID.


GundleFly t1_ir45g7t wrote

When I sold my house last October I received nine offers within 24 hours of listing. Of those nine offers, seven were from out of state buyers. A lot of people have been moving to this area because we have a low cost of living. There is also a heavy influx of traffic and people from August through May because of the colleges as well.


jttIII t1_ir53gq1 wrote

For some super strange reason there's been a lot more California, New York, Washington and Oregon plates over the past few years... I'm sure there's absolutely nothing to glean or reflect on there though...


Jimithyashford t1_ir64q7l wrote

You are correct. But that’s also been a true statement at literally any given moment for the last 150 years. Springfield has never seen a sustained population decline, just slow steady growth over time.

I think the only time we ever saw a brief marked decline was back when Springfield went racism insane and lynched 3 black people in the square and ran almost the entire black population out of town.


Jimithyashford t1_ir659aa wrote

Ah, the confidence of a little knowledge. Not enough to actually know what you’re talking about, but just enough knowledge to feel confident you do.

The Dunning-Kruger is strong with you.


jttIII t1_ir66obs wrote

how is it that you're so confident of my depth and breadth of knowledge on the subject?

Seems like you're making the confidently gross generalization with only minimal knowledge available to you champ...


Jimithyashford t1_ir6g8ow wrote

I will give you an honest and not snarky answer.

There are some things that a person can say that instantly lets you know that they have only enough knowledge to be confident in what they want to believe, and not enough knowledge to actually know what they are talking about or have to arrived at earnest insight. I will give some examples of things you and I probably (I hope) agree on.


Example: The earth is flat.

Example: Vaccines cause autism.

Example: The civil war was about state's rights not slavery.


There are many many others, but those are just three easy ones you hopefully agree with. The kind of thing someone says cause they have done some selective research of sources that already agree with them, enough, to feel confident and informed, but don't actually have a good understanding of the subject.

"You're only getting downvoted cause you're speaking the truth (implied: about how liberals ruin the area they live in and then invade other parts of the country)."

Is also a very good example of such a statement. Obviously you don't agree with me, otherwise you wouldn't have said it, but hey, all of the flat earthers out there have extreme confidence in their position too, that's why they say the things they do.


Also, while it's not quite the same as being in the Dunning-Kruger valley, as a general rule, any time someone applies a broad statement with a clear and distinct ideological angle to a large scale and complex scenario, they are probably an idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about. Not always, there are some rare exceptions, but generally that is the case.


So there ya go, that's why I said what I did. Cheers.


sullivan80 t1_ir6i0f9 wrote

This liberal echo chamber will downvote you but I met a new guy at work last week who just moved here from California because "that state has become a crowded overpriced shitshow run by morons".


sullivan80 t1_ir6m2yw wrote

I asked a friend who still lives in Springfield this same question the other day. It seems like traffic is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than when I lived there. She said yes it's got a lot worse just in the last few years.

I find it weird that this area isn't posting larger growth numbers because here (I'm in Joplin) there are numerous massive subdivisions, probably 2,000+ homes planned or under construction and everywhere I look new one-off homes are going up on random parcels of land. I have never seen this much construction not even close. I'm guessing is the same in the Springfield area if not more so.

A realtor friend of mine said the market is red hot and the majority of buyers are coming from high price markets - specifically Colorado and California. There are also a lot of regional buyers that are looking to relocate to the ozarks - these are often retiring boomers. RE investors have also be a huge problem as far as tying up inventory and driving up prices - don't know if that's been the case here but I know in the KC suburbs investors have accounted for a significant percentage of home sales.

A friend if mine was trying to downsize but stay in the area and sold his house (for double what he originally paid). Then he couldn't find a new house. He had casually browsed and saw a lot of listings so he wasn't real worried until he started trying to actually make offers and realized that every mid range home was getting ~8 cash offers usually above asking price.

So yes a lot of people are moving here. It's not like Boise or Austin but SW MO is attracting it's share of transplants.


jttIII t1_ir6m9ju wrote

I just think it's hilarious that you invested all that time to talk AT me in a screed vs simply asking a question or two to test the veracity of my statement and explore an alternative viewpoint to find out of I was a vapid stupid redneck or not...


Jimithyashford t1_ir6vpjy wrote

Screed? My first response was 3 sentences. Hardly a screed. The longer response was only cause you asked and I was trying to be respectful and give you a real answer instead of some dismissive one liner. And even my longer response would be difficult to accurately call a "screed".

But whatever, that really doesn't matter that much.

If you want to know why I made assumptions instead of asking probing questions, I thought I explained it quite well before. Because the statement was the kind of thing only someone with the confidence of only a little knowledge would say.

That's not the kind of person you go to for insights or to enlighten yourself. That's not the knee you sit at to gain wisdom. That's the kind of person you tease and then go about your day. I only engaged further cause you asked what I chose to interpret as a good faith question about WHY they got teased, and I tried to give you a decent answer.

Also, I have no idea if you're a redneck. I wasn't "picturing" a redneck in my head for what it's worth.


22TopShelf22 t1_ir7gkmk wrote

Wow, lib city here... guess they want to ruin this place too... my remark hit home... the liberals fleeing to Missouri are running away from disasters that liberal policies created... sigh... dumb people