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WaywardDeadite t1_ir3e63i wrote

If they are wanting meds for it I would recommend Faith Clark at Burrell. She's a psychiatrist. I know Burrell sucks, but that's how my family got help.


tlw31415 t1_ir3h5q7 wrote

Burrell bought out a bunch of private practices out, so they don’t all suck. Definitely see your point historically but there’s some good clinicians in the mix now.


mb10240 OP t1_ir3nwiq wrote

This family member already has a psychiatrist who is willing to prescribe them meds, but they need the ADHD testing before they prescribe them meds for that.


WaywardDeadite t1_ir3qy5z wrote

Honestly I don't have an answer for you, I wish I did. Please tag me if someone does give you one. My husband desperately needs a diagnosis. He was diagnosed as a kid but we can't find his records.


_ism_ t1_ir5o5uu wrote

Please ask your Psychiatry provider for pharmacogenetic cheek swab testing before they prescribe the medication though. I found out that a lot of autistic and ADHD adults have many comorbid conditions that might be genetic and a lot of us have out of the ordinary metabolism of common psychiatric drugs and the pharmacogenetics test needs to be given by a psychiatrist provider before prescribing a dose custom to that person. This is pretty new science and I learned that I was taking way too high of doses my entire life that were toxic to me and a lot of my neurodivergent friends have gotten the same result. Now we know which medications not to just trial and error based on that genetic report. I will argue with any psychiatrist who tells me to just take something without looking at my pharmacogenetic report. I'm an ultra rapid metabolizer of many common ADHD and depression medications and they could be toxic for me. Please be safe. I just want to spread this information to everyone.