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Simple_Falcon_9335 t1_ir5bqoa wrote

Here's the deal. Psych evals have become sooo popular because everyone thinks they have adhd or autism. Its clogging the system!!! The mental health field is highly underpaid. For example, an RN with a 2year degree is paid more than a counselor with a masters degree with 6-7 years education. Behavioral health centers are desperate to staff because there is a shortage in mental health professionals of all kinds partly because the pay is so poor for the amount of education plus it takes special people to subject themselves daily to secondary trauma. Realistically one should expect a 6mth to a year wait for an evaluation. Eustasis may be trying to bank on evals. I have not heard good things. There is a huge influx of need as mental health stigma has decreased. You would be surprised to know half of clients don't even show for their first appointments whether it is psychiatric care or counseling and then we are frustrated because we know others are waiting.


budtoast t1_ir5td2h wrote

I’m frustrated because I was diagnosed with ADHD during a time that both ADHD and autism couldn’t be diagnosed together. I also was never given a full evaluation. I have no idea where I could even get that kind of care but I know I need it because my symptoms have only gotten worse and ADHD meds don’t help. I’m kind of at a loss. As someone who seems to know about this, do you recommend I just give up on seeking help?


Simple_Falcon_9335 t1_ir691bn wrote

ADHD and autism can be diagnosed at the same time if criteria is met. Please do not give up!! Are you seeing a mental health counselor or or psychiatric provider now or or even your primary care physician can refer you for a psych eval. What type of provider diagnosed you with ADHD?


budtoast t1_ir69h9v wrote

I was diagnosed by a therapist and went to a psychiatrist for a short time at age 7 in 2007. I was also diagnosed with panic attack disorder and auditory processing disorder. They also called my ADHD a learning disorder the entire time and I was given many, many special ed classes due to this. This was under the DSM 4 which would have diagnosed me with aspegers if the psychiatrist ever evaluated me, according to those I’ve talked to. I was later diagnosed by a therapist in 2016 at age 16 with OCD. In my memory, before I could be fully evaluated, I was unfortunately forced to move states and was not able to find a psychiatrist where I moved. I have all the symptoms and my mom agrees that it’s likely, she has been encouraging me to find someone, anyone around Springfield who can evaluate and test adults for autism. I am currently 22.


Simple_Falcon_9335 t1_ir6db7s wrote

Definitely as an adult it is important for you to be reevaluated so A lot of times psychiatric providers will want a psych eval Before they will prescribe certain ADHD medications They will not rely alone on the diagnosis of a mental health counselor. It's going to be time consuming but you are very young and have a lot of life to live. I'm not sure where you're located and I don't need to know but Burrell Clark Center Ozark center and Semo cover southern MO. You should be able to contact them to initiate services. Just call them and ask how. Access family Healthcare may have psychologists available. There is also Mercy behavioral health. Skyline in Joplin.