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nerd_viking t1_iren9i4 wrote

Gotta save room to build more car washes.


SliceOfBrain t1_irexujw wrote

Watch the zoning meetings if you want to see frat dudes argue that a drive-thru only business won't add congestion to an already congested area.


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_irf0drb wrote

I didn't watch it, but that idea makes me laugh.

"Bro, listen to me, listen listen listen... it's not gonna increase traffic bro. It's just, like, NAHT."


Pararrhexis t1_irhar6u wrote

Pretty sure that frat dude is a civil engineer with verifiable traffic data.


SliceOfBrain t1_irkl53w wrote

In the meeting I watched, I didn't hear him state his background and he didn't make a great case. Even still, rezoning a residential lot for a completely car-dependent business is just a move in the wrong direction. Sunshine is already so messed up (partially from the chic fil drive-thru.

Also, civil engineers don't necessarily have a tack record for helping communities be safe and self-sufficient.


throwawayyyycuk t1_irf44yk wrote

I’m really glad they’re thinking about the safety of their children walking though. We need better and safer pedestrian infrastructure


sgf-guy t1_irex3j9 wrote

They could buy the old Sonic lot down the road…Honestly someone should have packaged everything from the old Dodge dealership down to right next to Kum and Go as one big strip center. It’s basically all been in varying states of for sale the past year or so.


6StringLovin t1_irf3nnv wrote

I mean, it's safer than Adderall 🤷‍♂️


MotherofaPickle t1_irfnsjw wrote

The whole traffic problem on Sunshine will NOT be diminished by the denial of a coffee place. Traffic and pedestrian safety is already a major problem on Sunshine.

Just wait. Starbucks will get the land, because they can pay more.


ActionFalcon t1_irfu55e wrote

>Just wait. Starbucks will get the land, because they can pay more.

Except Starbucks already has a location 1 block down the road..


macbeth1608 t1_irful0e wrote

why would starbucks place a location right next to one they already have? why would they cannibalize their market? that thought makes no sense


MotherofaPickle t1_irfvhrd wrote

I have seen at least three different S-Bucks on different corners within a block of each other. Granted, it was a Bigger City, but those were based on pedestrian traffic.

Never, ever think all corporations run like Kristy Kreme. If there is a customer base, they will build.

ETA: I once lived in a certain part of Canada where I could see three Tim Horton’s from my balcony and there were two additionally Tin’s within a three minute walk of my apartment.


macbeth1608 t1_irfvz72 wrote

where? what locations? curious to look at that.

would like to point out that pedestrian traffic isn’t really a thing here in sgf. so that point isn’t applicable


MotherofaPickle t1_irgu52p wrote

Starbucks was in Chicago (and not even Down Town); Tim Horton’s in Ontario (but also not quite Down Town).


atypical_lemur t1_irfzlbm wrote

>Never, ever think all corporations run like Kristy Kreme.

Can you explain what you mean? I'm curious.


MotherofaPickle t1_irgu0xj wrote

Krispy Kreme has a business model in which they don’t saturate their market, per se. As in, their stores have to be so many miles apart based on population and customer base.

Trader Joe’s might be analogous, but they’re a bit more pretentious about it.


atypical_lemur t1_irgvmrd wrote

I see. Thank you for explaining.

I am a Krispy Kreme fanatic, I love them more than I should and is healthy. The store in town is also awkward for me to get to. So I just don't go. If they had another location or two I would spend more money with them. Recall when they had the location on Glenstone that is now a Panda Express? When that was one of their locations I was getting 2 dozen a week (not just for me, I share). Now it's more like one dozen every two months. So maybe now they are a bit undersaturated.


EDIT to add: Buying them at walmart or a gas station is not the same thing as fresh from the store.


[deleted] t1_iremgrf wrote

God forbid our teachers are caffeinated


macbeth1608 t1_irf94p9 wrote

there’s literally a starbucks, CFA, and mcdonald’s a couple blocks down. they can just drive 3 more mins.


TempestPharaoh t1_irg7618 wrote

Go a little farther to Taco Bell. Their iced coffee is pretty dang caffeinated, cheaper food if wanted, and less of a line than the above.


H_ouse t1_irfl2w0 wrote

I dont think thats the issue. As someone above me already pointed out. The issue here is that it takes away from just add more congestion and a higher traffic flow to the area that already has a really high congestion Rate and already really high traffic flow.