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GinWithJennifer t1_iuhsrll wrote

While we're on this I'm homeless. Does anybody know where I can get hand warmers in bulk for cheap


elaborate_hoxha t1_iuj6wfs wrote

Solidarity Network has or will have hand warmers. They set up at Jenny Lind park (on South Street) every Monday at 2pm. They do cookouts and necessity distro.


GinWithJennifer t1_iujghhi wrote

Is this free to everyone? I need them to line my sleeping bag this winter. Also hoe frequently can I go? Don't want to be a bum and take all of them nothing.


elaborate_hoxha t1_iujh85j wrote

Yeah free for anyone. No means testing. They run on crowd funding so there’s not gonna be a mountain of free stuff. Not sure about lining a sleeping bag but hit em up and they can track it down for you.