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DeathCait t1_irj9u17 wrote

I saw them at sunshine and Campbell yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t make out all the info on the sign in the traffic though.


sgf-guy t1_irjqnx9 wrote

Sounds scammy. And there is an ordinance against remaining on the median/crosswalks.


Digital-Latte t1_irkfyk0 wrote

I saw them yesterday afternoon at Glenstone and Sunshine. I’ve heard people say that’s it’s a scam.


TWR3545 t1_irklgv9 wrote

Saw people with signs, orange reflective vests, and some kind of gas can or small bucket to collect money I guessed.

Couldn’t read their sign, too many letters, not thick enough font. I wanted to know what the hell they were doing


Mysteroo t1_irkmwg2 wrote

I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt but after seeing four different people with these signs I can't help but be skeptical

I can understand being low on funds for a funeral - and this isn't always ideal - but surely a direct cremation can't break the bank that badly right? A lot of churches won't even charge to host a small memorial service

Between 4+ people who are all willing to spend hours outside asking for donations - how much money do they need?


SquirtledYou t1_irkpg9l wrote

I don’t know anything, but I saw it today and the shit broke me. It’s a rough world we live in.


EquivalentPepper9315 t1_irna5sq wrote

People are quick to recommend going to churches for money for good causes. While some larger churches do have funds for these purposes, as a pastor’s wife, I can tell you that most small churches do not, unless they take up a special collection. In reality, most small churches (i.e. less than 100 people) get by on a shoestring budget and barely cover their own bills.


Mysteroo t1_iropvmt wrote

I guess $1500 can be a lot but it still feels pretty weird how these people can't pull together that much between the 4 (or more) of them, and that's two days into soliciting drivers


miaret t1_irwtxur wrote

Update from SPD on Facebook:

"Over the weekend, officers made contact with several individuals wearing high-visibility vests standing on traffic islands and medians in north Springfield holding signs indicating they were collecting donations for the funeral of 15-year-old “Maryo.”

In recent months, these individuals have been seen at other intersections along Kearney, reportedly collecting funds for different juvenile funerals.
Not only are these types of activities in violation of Springfield city ordinances, but we would also like to remind the public that you should not give cash to any individual without verifying the cause."