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[deleted] OP t1_irn3mjl wrote

On one hand it would be pretty fun to have a North Beaver Road. On the the, I'd rather not let companies name roads.


dreadpirateryan13 t1_irn4o4s wrote

I really don't care. Some people are so set on not allowing corporations to have privileges and powers. But something like this doesn't matter at all. Hell, they're paying for the additional lanes and roundabout, let them name it if they want. In the list of things that I'm worried about in this town, this is at the bottom.


tdawg-1551 t1_irn70mk wrote

I had the same thoughts, you just beat me here. I live in the exact opposite area from this store, and outside the city limits so anything that goes on there won't effect me in the least. My daughter wants to go and check it out once it opens, but other than that, I will have no reason to even get off on that exit. Probably 90% of the income after the first few months will come from outside the area so in the long run it will be a benefit.


MLC3527 t1_irna4gu wrote

Buc-ee's will be packed all day everyday. It's a pretty cool store.


Glam-Breakfast t1_irnc9qa wrote

Why do people care about this place. Somebody please give me a tweet length explanation because it seems very forced and stupid


Embarrassed_Feed_145 t1_irncdan wrote

they’ve done that at every buccee’s ive been to. it’s always on beaver road


jimjamjangles t1_irndify wrote

Why does a gas station want it's own road name? I can't recall ever seeing kum and go lane.


GundleFly t1_irndxti wrote

I’m preferential to “Beaver Boulevard”


sr20rocket t1_irnrau8 wrote

Better to be just "Beaver road" than what exit #69 on I-75 Northbound in Detroit is...

Pretty sure the exit number / road name combination there was intentional at some level.


TuneMountain916 t1_iro142c wrote

A lot of large companies get the road named after them. If it's their money going to improve the road it's similar to when people donate money to a college to get their name on a building. They are a gas station, but it's not like a kum & go where they would have multiple locations in a smaller area. Other gas stations are like Walmart- it's important that the address actually tells you it's location without having to look up which one it is, but since Buc-ees is more of an attraction for people driving by that doesn't matter. If you look up Ikea locations you'll find a large number of them are located on a street named Ikea.


20JPorter t1_iro3al3 wrote

It breaks up the monotony of road trips and thus is remembered fondly. Instead of a boring gas station where you just go in to grab a drink, it turns it into a destination and an experience that sells camping equipment, merchandise of the mascot, hot food options, a miniature section of random home goods. They say it's about the journey and not the destination, but in long road trips, the only part of the journey where anything happens is Buc-ees. And thus you get brand loyalty after a single visit and next thing you know you're wearing a Buc-ee hat everywhere and going 30 minutes out of the way just to stop there.

Also actually clean restrooms.


Mule_Skinner_43 t1_iron76q wrote

Wages aren't actually that great - higher than a lot in town but still below a living wage. Not on bus routes so won't help low income workers. Some city benefit where we're taxed to give Buc-ee's a loan they pay back over like 20 years. Changes poor people's neighborhood in ways they don't have a say in.


ybanalyst t1_irp01am wrote

Well, it's going to be pretty close to Mustard, you know, kinda hard to tell them no.


VaderTower t1_irp4laf wrote

They all are, it's crazy.

I'm all about the additional tax revenue, and another attraction to bring surrounding rural folks into Springfield more often.


VaderTower t1_irp56l1 wrote

We don't get taxed. Tax deferred for a set period of time (example 10 years of not having to pay property tax or sales tax, or whatever the deal is, which helps to pay back back the investment the business makes in the infrastructure, so that we the tax payers don't have to pay for a private companies build out).

Tax deferral is such a win-win. Sure we don't get as much in taxes for a business for 5 or 10 years. But by shooting it down we get zero. At least now in 5-10 years we get money. BUT that's also discounting the amount of travelers that will now stop and spend money in our city that might not have before.

It's a win win with no true arguable downside. Unless you just hate more people, in which case, go move to the sticks.


mattmaddux t1_irp8y4q wrote

I’m fine with Beaver Rd, but thankful their original request (Buc-ee’s Rd) was denied outright.


elaborate_hoxha t1_irplahz wrote

This is an FU to the folks that didn’t want this truck stop super center sitting their gas tanks over our water shed. These people can suck it.. and city council too.


Gen_Chaos t1_irpxp66 wrote

They will literally be poisoning our water supply, but they have cool shit I guess.


lochlainn t1_irpzb79 wrote

You say that like Strafford isn't, by area, almost 1/3 truck stops.

Guess what? Every gas station in a multi-county region is sitting their gas tanks over "your" watershed.

Or are you honestly expecting gasoline to be banned from a large chunk of southwest Missouri on your say so?


laffingriver t1_irq2a1k wrote

call it

“regulatory capture circle”

“corporate welfare way”

“diabetes boulevard”

“buy more crap you dont need street”

“bend over to your new corporate overlords avenue”

dream big springfield.


WendyArmbuster t1_irrdtyk wrote

If this place is going in where I think it is, the exit there was just re-worked to make the entrance and exit ramps longer, which will probably be required if it's going to get as much traffic as everybody says it will. Are you saying Buc-ee's is paying for that? If so, I would totally support a reduction in their taxes for a limited amount of time to offset exactly that amount of cost.

Overall though, using tax benefits to attract businesses is a losing situation for communities. It's a race to the bottom for communities, but it's a game you currently have to play or otherwise your town will lose to other towns who are willing to forego services and revenue. I support a federal 100% tax rate on all state and local tax deals used to attract business. It would make towns compete on other metrics for attracting businesses, such as quality of workforce, quality of life, and other things that would actually make towns better.


[deleted] OP t1_irrlpgx wrote

Fuck Buc-ee’s for not allowing semi’s


VaderTower t1_irydks8 wrote

No Bucees isn't paying for MODOT on/off ramps. Bucees was announced and debated earlier this year. The on/off ramps and MODOT approval would have taken at least 2 years to plan, and execute.

So I can confidently say any work MODOT is doing is 100% unrelated to Bucees.

Tax deferral might or might not. The thing is, without tax deferral, we wouldn't get Bucees. Strafford might, Joplin might, etc. By giving a tax deferral we don't lose any money, so I fail to see the downside for the city.


VaderTower t1_irzsgrk wrote

If we could all act with a collective mindset you would have solved game theory.

You're not wrong, but the dynamics are more complicated, and we have to act as rational actors as we expect others to.