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T8RTheSalad OP t1_irygcqp wrote

Found this little guy at N Campbell and W Webster during lunch today. Can't say I've ever seen one this close to downtown before. Is there an active population or was it just visiting?


leroi202 t1_iryoy3i wrote

Looks to be a snashed turtle šŸ˜–


T8RTheSalad OP t1_iryp6vw wrote

Nope, he was very much alive. I moved it out by Ritter Springs park to hopefully avoid that fate. Watching two cars drive over it before I could stop was stressful.


leroi202 t1_iryq2de wrote

I've rescued a few I hope they're all o.k.


T8RTheSalad OP t1_iryrfop wrote

As long as it's safe to do so, I always try to at least get them across the road. Something about turtle just fascinates me. Doesn't matter the type or size.


FunctionDry5018 t1_irytenr wrote

Found him in my yard!! Glad heā€™s still okay


ForWhomTheCheeksClap t1_iryu0lv wrote

It could live in one of the parks near by and wondered into the road. Fasnight park isn't terribly far from there. I've seen big ass ground hogs down town but never a turtle


sgf-guy t1_iryu0y3 wrote

If you relocate a turtle, try and do it in less than a one square mile area. There is reason to believe turtles have a mechanism, perhaps magnetic field detection, to know how to traverse their individual rangeā€¦which based on tagging is largely an area of a couple miles square. It is believed that if a turtle is moved from its home area, the turtle can become ā€œlostā€ in effect. This is a prime time for turtles who are both trying to stay warm and find a safe spot to burrow underground for the upcoming winter.

Not faulting OP for moving it quite a ways away, seems like the logical solution to most peopleā€¦but itā€™s actually just best to help it keep going whatever direction itā€™s headed but out of immediate danger like carsā€¦even itā€™s just a nearby yard. If you happen to know a woods or clearing a -few- blocks away thatā€™s ok.


Punnchy t1_iryzd8j wrote

Box turtle, living in the city


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_irz03ea wrote

I had one on my road and moved him across. He thanked me by peeing all over me.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_irzivzq wrote

Shoot, youā€™d be surprised what shows up. I saw a deer at Sunset and National once. Donā€™t know how it got that far into town. I also took out a nice buck over by The Library Center one time - he came running right across Campbell and hit me, but at least thereā€™s some wooded areas nearby and itā€™s closer to the edge of town there.

We may not see them, but thereā€™s all sorts of wildlife around.


AnnisBewbs t1_is0hbhq wrote

Was the little terrapin missing part of one of his front feet?


robzilla71173 t1_is0lcc9 wrote

There are a lot of turtles in the city. My parents live a few blocks from there near Campbell and Lynn and had one who lived in their yard for about twenty years. Like someone else said, right now water is scarce so animals are roaming more. I appreciate that you were trying to keep him safe but animals tend to have mates and territories so it maybe best to get them across the road and leave it at that.

My folks once saw a pair of deer walking down the middle of Lynn. I live near Cooper Park and we used to get a lot of foxes and coyotes. And turtles and rabbits of course. We live in an urban forest, particularly in the older sections of town. No joke, I once had an injured red-tailed hawk flutter in through my patio door to hide in my house. Animal Control came out at midnight and we got him to the zoo for rehab, though he unfortunately had been too hurt and was put down.

True story, years ago some neighbors had a pet African tortoise run away and the posters had detailed pics and description. I would've assumed that any 3 ft turtle nearby was the right one.

It's a jungle out there.


DeathCait t1_is1atwj wrote

Thereā€™s a whole herd of them, some turkeys, and at least a couple of foxes that live in the woods off the greenway trail there. Always fun to see nature in the middle of town!


67alecto t1_is1sred wrote

Out there living his best life


T8RTheSalad OP t1_is298bs wrote

Well, shit. Good to know for next time. I'd always been told get them to a better habitat so they don't get runover if they pop up in a place you wouldn't normally see them. My bad.


Aimless78 t1_is2buw0 wrote

I found one crossing Grand at South ave and it was about 15 inches across, the thing was massive!!! I picked him up and helped him or her safely cross the road. We have box turtles all over Springfield but they aren't usually out much at this time of the year, maybe he escaped captivity! Run little guy! Lol


CaptainKaraoke t1_is2l4kh wrote

I always stop, pick the poor thing up and get it out of the Road in the direction it was heading.


CaptainKaraoke t1_is2lbp4 wrote

I mostly see them on Farm roads out in Brookline.


growth-or-happiness t1_isqk8gp wrote

First they just scope it out, you know to judge the acceptance. Then property values slowly drop, and crime goes up. Where those values change, so does the box turtle population. You need to take your community back. We canā€™t have these things destroying our community. We need to keep to our own kindā€¦ tell it to take its box and keep walking. Slowly.