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scoop_booty t1_irz3nnr wrote

You're not alone. I hate to admit I was an evangelical for a couple of decades. I bailed on religion about 10 years ago. The deconstruction process was painful, mainly because it was hard to find like minded people...a new tribe as it were. Brenea Brown talks about how a "tribe" equates to "protection". Without it one is vulnerable. So we compromise at times to create that sense of security, and acceptance.

It's even more difficult when we live in the bible belt. We've attended/supported the Venues for several years now. I think they are the closest tribe we have in the area. Still not 100% in line with where I stand theologically, but close.

PM me if you want to talk more.


socialistpizzaparty t1_is0agxe wrote

I think it’s hard to find a tribe here in general without being involved in church. My wife and I moved here from out of state a few years back and still have a pretty small circle here, but no “tribe” unfortunately.


cdcemm t1_is39x1f wrote

Try a CrossFit gym. Lots of Christians, sure, but no sermons.