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Cold417 t1_isbf1jx wrote

Be a good driver and you won't have anything to worry about. Cycles are classified as vehicles and have the same rights to the road as everyone else does.


Gingersnap5322 t1_isbf9f8 wrote

All that aside I used to think you were one of the cooler redditors on this sub man but that last few months I’ve seen you on here and if I’m being honest you come off as a pot stirrer


Cold417 t1_isbg68v wrote

Okay. Is explaining road law controversial?


OmniFella t1_isbisst wrote

Bypassing common sense safety procedures so you can focus on the legality of it if someone were to hit you is backwards. The point is NOT TO GET HIT IN THE FIRST PLACE so you don't have to resort to legalities. Otherwise, it's the same energy as "Screw em. If they hit me, I'll just sue." Wouldn't you like to not have to get to that point from the get go?? This is also assuming you don't get killed by being pretentious.