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WaywardDeadite t1_isg81db wrote

I saw that too, around 7:30am. Must be something big.


A_Ron_Sacks t1_isg81xt wrote

That area is full of drug addicts, I bet they tried to break in to Iceman's to go copper hunting.


growth-or-happiness t1_isgq5tv wrote

Yes. Possibly a crime. I live in the area and uh that hotel is. Well it is something. The Iceman? I never thought that place was ever open. Someone probably got hit by a car again?


Sgthouse t1_ish0lkg wrote

Battlefield in is only drug addicts and homeless drug addicts. If I were to guess, it’s related to that.


AlphaTJH t1_isha1m8 wrote

There was an armed robbery that ended in a hostage situation, thats all I know.


shamusoconner t1_isjbxon wrote

On Dec 22, 2020 I was evicted from my house. I stayed a couple nights with my gf at her parents house, but when xmas eve came I felt awkward, depressed, and pathetic. So I bolted out of there for the night. I remember it was snowing. I hadnt seen that on Xmas for a minute.

I tried to get a room at a couple hotels, but I had forgotten that you can't get one in the city if you have a Springfield address on your I.D.

In a last ditch effort I called Battlefield Inn. I know of the stigma that that place holds, but I didn't want me and my dog to sleep in the freezing car that night. And my anxiety was too much to go back to my gf's parents house.

The Middle Eastern gentleman who took the call said that they don't give out rooms to locals. I explained my situation, assured him I wasn't a junkie or any trouble at all. I just needed a warm but depressing room for the holiday night. He was nice enough to let me stay there a couple nights.

But yeah... That place is a ceasepool. The building and those around it. Except the guys who run the place. Nice guys.


phoenixrising225 t1_isje314 wrote

Tyler passed? He made several custom pieces for us and we hadn’t been there for a bit, covid and all, and were surprised to see the place listed as closed 😢 They always treated us great and his work is gorgeous.


Apprehensive_Tart814 t1_isrba9s wrote

Then my assumption of Missouri especially Springfield is most likely correct seems to be the case so maybe you can explain how everyone here had absolutely no fuckin teeth and everyone looks way older then there age


Sgthouse t1_iss825d wrote

That’s a lot of judgement from a prostitute. I’m sure the guy you banged at battlefield inn was perfectly nice. Why do you care what I think about the place if (I assume based on your comment) you’re not even from here.


phoenixrising225 t1_itbl32o wrote

The gentleman we had been working with for several years was Tyler. His mother would also often be there and an aunt as well. He ran the place. Younger guy, 40’s maybe? Someone told me he’d retired during covid and I thought Ok, right on my dude. But died? This is the first Ive come across that.