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One10soldier1 t1_isqvi3t wrote

I have known Officer Suzuki for years and not once have I heard a bad word about him. That man is about "down to Earth" as you can get. He even moonlighted at the local Wal-Mart as a shelf stocker when times got tight. You know what?... He was a damn good shelf stocker.

Sorry you had a bad experience but when you say you pulled out from across the street and drove real slow, there ain't nothing across the street but a big mud pit. Dude... I have no doubt you looked like a meth head looking to score some copper wire.

Officer Suzuki is a good guy and I bet he would be happy to shake your hand and explain why he pulled you over if you give him the chance.


jesseqr OP t1_istn4uh wrote

You sound pretty dumb. There’s a parking lot directly across the highway from the houses that had about 20 plus cars in the parking lot when I was there and that’s the lot I pulled out of. I guarantee the copper wire is long gone dumb ass. Officer Suzuki is such a great guy he feels like speeding over the speed limit for a good mile or two to catch up to me because I was so far ahead only because I wanted to look at the houses real quick and then I wanted to leave the area for the day. Right because good people act hostile from the start and lie for absolutely no reason. Maybe he used to be a good person one time but I think the so called “power” has got to his head.