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booksandspooks t1_isvg7l7 wrote

Reply to comment by MattyThiccBoi in Question 1 by davidrothchild69

Wendy worked extensively with the neighborhood and conservationists to preserve the mature tree cover and design an area that was cohesive with the neighborhood. That’s what GVNA is asking for, not no development ever.


MattyThiccBoi t1_iswq5nk wrote

Convenient excuse. Why were there no efforts to save those mature trees where the other developments in Galloway? If I had to guess, probably because they weren’t next to her property.


LadyBaconHands t1_it2hsb9 wrote

Those developments were essentially unknown. There was a definite lack of community involvement during the original blighting all those years ago. I didn't know anything was going on there until construction started.