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VaderTower t1_iszifty wrote

Reply to comment by Restelly-Quist in Question 1 by davidrothchild69

Not affordable, yet the truly affordable options that are presented elsewhere in town are argued against because the neighbors don't want poor or homeless near them. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

Public Works made a statement today that stormwater plans were approved as required state and city requirements. They likely have detention on site, any project over an acre requires a civil engineer to do an SWPPP, stormwater protection plan per the state. So with detention this development should add 0 additional runoff.

Developers don't know the requirements of ADA, accessibility, etc. Architects and Civil Engineers do, and rest assured they have legal liability if they don't provide accessibility to the site and/or building.

No argument on the neighbors, you're right, they don't want it, they've been very adamant. I'm sure MSU's neighbors don't like the school there, I'm sure halfway houses neighbors don't like them around, I sure don't like the 300 acre quarry being right off lone pine across from sequiota making the road shitty, dusty, adding no aesthetic value but it gets to keep expanding and digging.

I'll die on the hill to keep calling out NIMBYs in Springfield.