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ITofMordor t1_iuhu0yx wrote

As someone that lived in Washington for 15 years i can absolutely say that the only people there that don’t know how to drive are the Californian migrants that forced us poor 3rd world country migrants out with their house flipping.


arcticmischief t1_iuhzz86 wrote

Ehh, PNWers in their Subarus are the ones that camp out in the passing lane 5-10 mph under the already-too-low speed limit and then randomly slam on their brakes for even the most gentle of curves or the slightest hint of rain. At least the Californians drive a sensible speed.

I’ve found Missouri drivers to at least make a moderate attempt to respect the idea of keeping right except to pass. The tourists coming to Branson, though, make even PNWers look like Mario Andretti…