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Notchersfireroad t1_iuc4j9n wrote

I gave up and I'm happy for it. Major culture shock moving here 4 years ago. Staunchly child free and finding a non religious and child free partner here seems impossible so I'm learning to go it alone.


StealthyPenguins t1_iudcr2z wrote

I grew up here and gave up ages ago lol finding someone that isn’t bothered by my lack of religion wasnt the issue, for me, it was finding someone who respected I was childfree. I figure if a guy fell out of the sky I click with is one thing, but I’m over dating and I’m cool with it.


Notchersfireroad t1_iudebss wrote

This whole thread is kind of shocking me there are multiple of us out there and all having the same issue.


StealthyPenguins t1_iudelhg wrote

I was surprised, too! Haha I know there’s decent people in Springfield, so I guess I shouldn’t be too shocked. I’m in my early 30s now and I’m much more of a homebody now days, so maybe that’s why I’ve missed them all haha


Notchersfireroad t1_iudffmr wrote

That's always been my problem, I hate going out and I've always worked solo. I've noticed out here many many relationships start at the workplace. Even if I had that opportunity I've seen it backfire on so many people. Don't poop where you eat kinda thing.


curious_bi-winning t1_iuc9lzr wrote

I was considering Springfield, but I too am non-religious and don't want children. Sad to hear there. I thought this city had lots of transplants.


Notchersfireroad t1_iudbxai wrote

It does have tons of transplants the issue seems so many of them end up indoctrinated into the crazy hillbilly MO lifestyle.


Engineer443 t1_iudfpp2 wrote

Hillbilly lifestyle is THE draw for many. I keep hearing “we escaped from California (or wherever)”. As though they fled like a refugee in the dark of night narrowly escaping the guards.


cktk9 t1_iufxmfg wrote

Just curious what the other options are?


curious_bi-winning t1_iugmjol wrote

I was also considering these options:

Fayetteville/Bentonville, Arkansas

Prescott, Arizona

Fort Collins, Colorado


mr_heathcliffe t1_iuda3au wrote

Same! I'm going through a divorce, also child free and religious, and I will NOT even attempt the dating pool here


Spiffy_Dude t1_iudm2t1 wrote

I’ll raise you one. My wife and I are moving once i finish my degree so that our daughter doesn’t end up trying the dating pool here 😂


Saltpork545 t1_iujus56 wrote

This is what I did.

Old enough to not want to date college students, yet not Christian and not looking to take care of single parents, which is a specific subset I didn't realize existed until I started dating in my 30s. It's not all single parents obviously but can tell.

I think there's a lot of us that fall into this group of 'forget it, the dating environment isn't great'


RockemChalkemRobot t1_iue7qvg wrote

This is so strange to me. My last 3 partners were all childless, and only one of them was religious but not a church goer. All 3 were happenstance encounters that lead to conversation and then on to a relationship.