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the_honeyman t1_itqz6ol wrote

Reply to comment by banjomin in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

Who do you think will develop the affordable housing we need so much? It's not going to be private individuals funding apartment complex builds, its going to be a corporation or two.


banjomin t1_itr03i3 wrote

DUDE, you already admitted that the affordable housing argument is bullshit:

>This one I agree with you on, more expensive apartments won't fix the affordable housing problem, but that isn't really the area to focus on affordable housing, imo.

Why do you go so hard on lying???


the_honeyman t1_itr23o7 wrote

I'm not talking about this development with that question. I'm asking who you think is going to develop affordable housing in Springfield, in general? Do you think affordable housing will be funded primarily by private individuals? Or do you think apartment complexes, hopefully with some form of rent control, will be developed by corporate interests?


banjomin t1_itr2wts wrote

It sounds like you don't have an argument for your position and now you're just doing a gish-gallop to keep from having to defend any of the bullshit you say. Hell, you admitted as much already:

>I don't even have skin in the game. I couldn't care less what happens down there. The hypocrisy is real, is all.

yeah, the hypocrisy is definitely real.


the_honeyman t1_itr3d9v wrote

No, it sounds like the "no more corporate housing" is a convienent excuse for you to hide behind.

Who is going to develop affordable housing complexes? Continue dodging the question if you want.

Edit: blocked? Lol.