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Low_Tourist t1_itrvczt wrote

Reply to comment by the_honeyman in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

You know this is happening on C Street right now, right? The city is allowing new buildings with mixed use retail/apartments to be built in the historic district. Think those will be affordable? Highly doubt it.

When this passes - because it will, if not this go round, at another time - it just sets precedent and makes it easier for the rest of the neighborhoods' wishes to be ignored.


the_honeyman t1_itrwufv wrote

I'm glad it's happening on C Street. That wasn't really affordable housing up there anyway, unless you're talking about them ripping into the neighborhoods around C Street.

This town is so weird. "There's nothing to do/that part is run down, but God forbid anybody put money into developing the town."