Submitted by mr_heathcliffe t3_yl0eih in springfieldMO

Has anyone here (Greene County) gone through the process of self filing an uncontested divorce? Starting the process now and looking to see what other's experiences may have been like, if there are any gotchas, etc.



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AT_Landonius t1_iuvu66i wrote

If its uncontested its super easy and costs like 50 bucks. The most annoying thing is sitting down and dividing up property. But its really pretty easy


mr_heathcliffe OP t1_iuvua9s wrote

The website makes it seems fairly straightforward but there are a LOT of forms and I don't want to find myself in a situation where it denied or delayed because we didn't check a box or something.


AT_Landonius t1_iuvudd9 wrote

Lots of paperwork, and you can pay a lawyer to file it for you but its really not that intimidating


SPUTZNiKZ t1_iuwmd27 wrote

If it helps, I missed a few documents and still had a very easy time filing.

Missed a single page form when I went to file, and the clerk had me fill it out in person at the courthouse.

By the time we got around to filing, my ex had a child (we really dragged our feet lol), and we filled out all of the parenting forms, but forgot a copy of the birth certificate. Got an email from the clerks office requesting it, attached it, and once it was processed the filing moved forward without any other action on our end.

At our judgement hearing, my ex also forgot to bring the property description or deed to her house, and the judge we had just let us take a clear photo of it after we left and email it to her. No delay in the divorce being finalized.

If you need any clarification, call the clerks office. They can't tell you how to answer the forms, but I found them to be very helpful in interpreting sections of them that I didn't quite understand.


mr_heathcliffe OP t1_iuwn7ez wrote

That is very helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to reply.


loveOpossum t1_iuw0rxy wrote

I’ve done it. My ex did most of the paperwork part, it was a bit tedious but totally do-able. Knocked it out in a few months and high-fived on the way out of the courthouse. Good luck!


Temporary-Freedom452 t1_iuwvbvs wrote

I have in Greene county. The trickiest part is if there is kids and property involved. However, it can be done if you and your SO are on the same page it can easily be done.


Sophia_Starr t1_iuzoylo wrote

Super easy, the hardest part was dragging my feet for too long.

$138 was the number to file.

Have a kid still at home, asked for less than the recommended amount for child support, no alimony, he has all the cars bought during the marriage together, no other property to divide up. The dividing up of time was super relaxed, for the holidays I put "to be determined" for most, we were actually apart for 5 years before and we manage to communicate about such things okay. As such, there was no need for the conflict resolution class but we didn't find out until I called.

If you have no kids, it's even easier, I've known people who have had it go really quick.


feralfantastic t1_iux8lme wrote

Filing fee is about $138. You’ll need a petition, an information filing sheet, and the other party will need to execute a waiver (or else be served). After thirty days you’ll need to file affidavits, a judgment, an MSA with property schedules, and a parenting plan (if applicable). You will probably need to appear before the court on the first floor to get it sent upstairs to be signed by a judge. After 30-45 days it’s final for all purposes.


GinWithJennifer t1_iuxhco4 wrote

I accidentally read this as "life saving divorce"

Had to double take that one