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Engineer443 t1_iuw7d1o wrote

I’ve just been giving away to friends or throwing away. I bet I’ve thrown away $600 (Craigslist prices) worth shit the last three weeks. Marketplace is full of bots, Craigslist doesn’t work anymore. I used to say anything over $20 needs to be sold. Now I’m up to $150, stuff just doesn’t sell for me right now and I’m beyond my mental capacity and drowning in piles. I’m curious what others have to say…


VaderTower t1_iuyepxn wrote

Can't agree more. I used to have a $20 minimum to sell. Now it's $100, and even then I drag my feet and refuse to put any effort in.

If its under $100 it goes to goodwill, red racks, or dav, whatever I'm closest to. We have a constant 55 gallon bag that gets filled and taken to donation monthly.

Cheap junk builds up far too fast, especially with kids.

If it's under $100 and I don't want to haul it somewhere, it goes to the edge of the street and on FB, refuse to answer and put in the description 'wont respond, will remove post when gone'.

I've seen people fight over a broken 10 year old push lawnmower before.