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ErisEpicene t1_iuxdh3p wrote

Way classier than the white nationalist/nazi stickers and graffiti. In fact, I encourage graffiti artists to cover hate with dicks. I like dicks well enough, nazis not so much...


WickedE160 t1_iux6b94 wrote

What’s wrong with the Arby’s symbol.


Gingersnap5322 OP t1_iux6dzw wrote

The only thing these two have in common is they do both have the meats


GinWithJennifer t1_iuxhlyy wrote

I drive by this all the time. Makes me want to go put stuff up there 🤔


Longwell2020 t1_iv0m9vb wrote

Classier than a trump sign at least.


Evanpik64 t1_iuxbnpi wrote



ErisEpicene t1_iuxfdds wrote

In middle school I was shown a video about entrepreneurship and bettering your community. It had a very sesame street feel to it, and I remember feeling distinctly too old for it. Anyway, the only detail I clearly remember is a bunch of kids chanting "CAULK CAULK CAULK-CAULK! CO-CAULK CAULK CAULK!" and all the students losing it. The teacher told us we were immature, but even at the time I remember thinking that it should have been obvious what a bunch of middle school kids would hear and think and wondering how the fuck they expected a bunch of middle school students to react to that. I think it was the same teacher who got onto us for laughing at an obviously intentional joke in Logan's Run because the joke happened to be about sex.


Chad_Brad t1_iuz74e5 wrote

It's just a festive Christmas candle.


Moriartea7 t1_iuyhn3e wrote

Drove by this bridge several years ago and someone had spelled out LIT ASS with cups on it. Still makes me giggle.


UnnamedCzech t1_iuze5df wrote

Beautiful part of town, it just adds to the charm that’s already there.


Gingersnap5322 OP t1_iuzf9tr wrote

It’s forewarning you as to what will happen when you buy a car from any of the dealerships up that road


aujii11 t1_iv0nayl wrote

Hell yeah brother


nor15236 t1_iv1sb3b wrote

I don't know if I was say that was a dick. It could have ended up as a flower or something.