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Maxwyfe t1_iv124iu wrote

All y'all listing restaurants so I'm going a different direction. The Library Center on S. Campbell is lovely. It's comfy, that coffee shop is great. The gift shop has some neat little things. There is always some nice historical or cultural display, they have book clubs, book discussions, lectures and as far as I know, these are free - or mostly free. You can use their computers, their printers and even their fax - it's practically a little business center. So nice.

And I love the art museum. They have a nice collection and interesting exhibits, and it's a lovely place to spend a rainy afternoon - for free.


Use_the_Loofah t1_iv1i3rh wrote

The public library system in Springfield/Greene county is absolutely spectacular! There are so many locations, great free programs, amazing amount of materials to check out, and a fantastic book sale twice a year. It's such a weird dichotomy to the anti-intellect vibe that much of Springfield gives off, and I'm certainly happy that the library seems to always have patrons. Edit: spelling


PlayerVun t1_iv1k2w9 wrote

"Anti-intellect vibe"

Much nicer than the adjectives I would personally use to describe Springfield lol


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iv1u3na wrote

>the anti-intellect vibe that much of Springfield gives of

C'mon now, there's no reason to be rude.


EcoAffinity t1_iv26lf5 wrote

To the contrary, I thought that was very polite.


Maxwyfe t1_iv1kwuv wrote

You spelled "intellect" incorrectly.


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iv14kfg wrote

The Art Museum is a gem. I try to go every few months to check out the new exhibits.


nbmft13 t1_iv3xln4 wrote

My mom insists on going to our art museum every time she visits me. It's her favorite place in town.


110518072105120514 t1_iv3630f wrote

+1 for the library. Campbell is my favorite location too, but really all of them are good. During middle and parts of high school I was always in there (the one across from Central) because my family only had one computer and no printer. So I'd be in there after school every day finishing up work, or maybe just finding a new cookbook to read...think that's where I got my interest in collecting recipes, actually. For a good few of those years I didn't even have a phone and couldn't drive, so it became my go-to spot to just wait to be picked up after class too.

Also, I didn't know the art museum was free. I really should look harder for things like this, I guess. Thanks, maybe I'll go by sometime.


Ipuncholdpeople t1_iv1o0wb wrote

Growing up close to the library center really spoiled me. I've been to libraries in other towns and even just the others in springfield can't compare


CetiCeltic t1_iv20nqg wrote

Oh wait it's free??? I never knew that. Cost is one of the things that prevents me from going places. That's good to know!


Maxwyfe t1_iv22tzm wrote

The art museum is free. They ask for a donation but you don't have to pay to get in. Some of their classes and workshops have a cost.

Here's a link to the Library Center Page with some of their service costs for copies, etc. It's very reasonable.


Flat-Sun-5134 t1_iv252pv wrote

I love the Midtown Library and Brentwood! I’m able to get free Discovery Center passes for my family


robzilla71173 t1_iv35ake wrote

Most art museums that I've been to are free. Priceless works of the masters: stare all day for zero dollars. Taxidermied animals and fish in aquariums: forty dollars. Go figure.