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robzilla71173 t1_iv34opw wrote

Don't know if anyone else has suggested this yet, but if she's an indoor cat who uses a box you might try putting her box outside. That way she might smell her smell and know which way to come home. Cats don't generally wander very far, they're just bad with directions if they're used to being indoors, so she might be pretty close by. Every time my parents' cat gets out she's no more than one or two houses away and usually not sure of the way home until she sees them. Also might check with neighbors to look in garages, crawlspaces, basements, etc. We had one once who had wandered into a garage just as the door was closing and nobody knew where he was until the neighbor opened the door again. Good luck.


bonsaibitch28 t1_iv2mo6m wrote

Did you post in Leigh's Lost and Found on facebook?


mrs_bookdragon t1_iv2t5n3 wrote

I hope you find her. ❤️❤️❤️


AutoModerator t1_iv2iwwb wrote

This looks like it might be a lost/found animal post because it contains the word cat. Please consider posting lost and found pet to Leigh's Lost and Found. This Facebook group has nearly 60,000 Springfield area members and is administered in partnership with the Animal Control shelter of Springfield, MO.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iv2lpej wrote

What part of town has she gone missing in?


sigh_sarah OP t1_iv2lv5x wrote

South Springfield. The neighborhood down the road from the Kum & Go on Plainview.


MeepinMeepers t1_iv2n0je wrote

I’ll keep a look out! I highly recommend posting this on Leigh’s.


sigh_sarah OP t1_iv2pbol wrote

I followed the page but can’t figure out how to post on there.


PM_YOUR_PUPPERS t1_iv321dm wrote

Send a message to the owner of the group and she will post it for you