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Quirky_Employment684 t1_iva47d6 wrote

This is a hard one.... vote yes now and hope we can fix it later, or vote no and we may never get the opportunity again.


Snekathan t1_ivam6nu wrote

Don’t let perfection hinder progress!


mystonedalt t1_iv8rqj1 wrote

Secretly. Like the rest of my ballot.


jgj570s t1_ivai3km wrote

Lol. You do realize that Reddit is anonymous, right?


Jurai153 t1_ivbtyx1 wrote

The only downside if they federally decriminalized it is that we wouldn't be able to carry over 3 ounces with this passed. But in reality how often are you going to carry that high of an amount? No pun intended. Vote yes and that only part can be fixed later.


MidwestMoron2013 t1_ivbukjt wrote

Yes because I’m sick of dishonest black market creeps.


[deleted] t1_iva90c9 wrote



cock_a_doodle_dont t1_ivaoawv wrote

Medical passed by like 66%


Ashamed_Mammoth7245 t1_ivjgaiy wrote

Vote no if you want the legislature to go full throttle with countermeasure initiatives that make it even harder to get it on a ballot the next time. You vote yes or no, not with caveats. If the vote is no then that sends a message that Missouri doesn't want it legalized, period. It's a yes or no question. Once they get an answer from voters on the yes or no question it will let the state know which direction to go in.


DIzlexic t1_ive8ot7 wrote

Vote no, this is a cynical opportunistic cash grab that locks us into a monopolistic system that only will only benefit a select few. If we're going to legalize marijuana lets actually do it.

I have several marijuana misdemeanor convictions on my record, and I would personally benefit from having them removed, but amendment 3 isn't about addressing the travesty that is our governments war on marijuana. It's about prohibiting legal and fair competition in the future. I personally blame out elected officials. If they had addressed this issue like their constituents obviously want them to. We wouldn't be subject to this predatory referendum.

All of this is before we even get into the issue of regulatory constraints and licensing demands for individuals just wanting to grow for personal use. Locking inflation tied licensing fees into our constitution is an insult. The idea that we can pass this, but law enforcement can still raid your home for non-compliance is disgusting.

This isn't about Amendment 3 not being perfect. It's about Amendment 3 being harmful. Vote no, and then get angry. We can fight for an actual solution, but if we pass this under the assumption that we can change it later. We're all going to be disappointed.
