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justforrazors t1_ivf7f7w wrote

Yep, I totally understand the sentiment and I'm used to it at this point; it just still hurts when you try to do something positive and are immediately lumped in with assholes. When I explain my business model to people I use Chris Gatley/417 rentals as the antithesis to my goals.


I rented for 8 plus years prior to being able to afford a home and it wasn't always great. I remember renting a SFR that leaked from the roof every time it rained, and every time we complained the "maintenence guy" would come out with a bucket of tar and "patch" it. Never helped. We lived for three years with an in-ground pool that had a ripped liner and it became a literal cess-pool/mosquito breeding ground; we had to call the city to declare it a hazard before the owners agreed to have it filled in. I'd like to think I learned something from my experience renting, and we just try to be fair folks that don't take advantage of other humans. There are others out there; its just unfortunate that so many people with ill intent and no morals take advantage of folks for their own gain. We aren't trying to get rich, just be comfortably middle class in the midwest.